Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-10-25 in Deal with a german tutu.

TutuBlog #479: A Tutu Adventure in Deutschland!

Hey darlings! Emma here, back from another amazing adventure, this time in the magical land of Germany!

Now, I'm a huge fan of travelling by train – there's just something so romantic about hurtling through the countryside, watching the world go by. So, imagine my delight when I realised I could get from my lovely Derbyshire home to Berlin in just one beautiful day on the Eurostar. The whole trip was such a joy, watching the landscape transform from lush green English fields to vast German forests. Even the carriages had an elegant air, all polished wood and soft, plush seats – perfect for perfecting my pliés, you know!

Arriving in Berlin, the air was electric! It was so different from home – so full of vibrant street life and amazing architecture. I immediately fell in love with the charming little cafes, filled with delicious smells and even more delicious cakes! And you wouldn't believe the array of fabulous tutus they had here – you could get them in all sorts of colours, but of course, I gravitated towards the pink ones. Let's be honest, pink is just the best colour, wouldn't you agree?

Now, Berlin's renowned for its fantastic theatre scene, and I wasn't going to miss a chance to see a show, especially not with so many incredible dance companies performing! The very next day, I found myself in the gorgeous Deutsches Theater, feeling utterly glamorous in a new pink tulle tutu and sparkly tights. I mean, you can never go wrong with a touch of glitter, right? I must confess, my excitement reached fever pitch when the first notes of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake filled the auditorium. I mean, that music always gets me going! The dancers were incredible – they floated and twirled with such grace and elegance, and I absolutely loved the opulent costumes. The ballerina’s pink tutus were just divine – so delicate and beautiful. It was all so inspiring!

Speaking of inspiration, I've been so excited about ballet since I was a little girl, I just couldn't imagine my life without it! It's such an amazing way to express yourself – not just through the dancing, but through the colours, the music, everything! I really believe everyone should experience the magic of ballet at least once. Imagine the feeling of soaring through the air, turning like a graceful butterfly, feeling strong and powerful yet delicate as a feather! Don’t get me wrong, I love all the fancy stuff like sequins and glitter, but it’s the art form itself, the passion and dedication it takes to learn to move like that – it’s truly special. And hey, you don’t even have to be on a stage – we’re all allowed to find our inner swan, and practice a graceful pirouette on a sunny afternoon! Go on, have a try!

My journey wasn't all about ballet though. I also got to indulge my other passion: exploring the amazing wildlife! Germany is just brimming with wildlife – charming squirrels scurrying through the parks, elegant birds soaring high in the sky. It really put my urban world in perspective and I felt so connected to the natural world. It felt as if nature itself was encouraging me to follow my dreams – just like those amazing graceful swans I saw by the lake!

While I’ve only just scratched the surface of what Berlin has to offer, I’ve already fallen in love with this dynamic city and its amazing culture. The people were warm and friendly, the city felt so alive, and of course, there was endless pink – in cafes, boutiques, even on the street signs! It’s definitely going on my “Must-Return-To” list – hopefully with some exciting new tutus in my luggage!

And to my beloved readers, what about you? Have you ever visited Germany? Did you go to a ballet? Do you feel the pull of the pink tutu life? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Till next time,

Emma x


#TutuBlog 1997-10-25 in Deal with a german tutu.