Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-11-10 in Longton with a white tutu.

Longton Calling! 🩰 Pink Tutu Adventures, Post #495

Hey gorgeous ballet bunnies! 💖

Emma here, ready to share another slice of my pink tutu-fied life with you lovely lot. Today’s adventure took me to Longton, a charming little town tucked away in the heart of the English countryside. This little beauty’s a bit of a gem, you know. I love exploring hidden pockets of England and I just had to check this one out. I even wore my special white tutu, which shimmered like snow in the November sunlight. ❄️ It really does make a statement, especially in a town like Longton with cobbled streets and traditional brick buildings!

I got to Longton in the most fabulous way – a vintage train journey! It was like stepping back in time, you know, with plush velvet seats and that lovely old fashioned smell of polish. It's so much more romantic than any of those stuffy new carriages. Speaking of romantic, the landscape that unfolded outside the window was a right masterpiece! Think rolling hills, the prettiest thatched cottages, and enough greenery to make even a city slicker sigh. Honestly, it’s like something out of a Beatrix Potter book!

But let's get back to the main event – the reason for my Longton pilgrimage: ballet, of course! This place actually has a really cool little ballet studio tucked away in a converted chapel, the most divine space, you wouldn’t believe it! I went for a beginner's class just to limber up those lovely limbs, and oh my, it was just the tonic for my soul! You know I live for a good ballet class, and the gentle swing of those limbs and the quietness of a warm, dimly lit space really got my heart thumping in the most positive way! It reminded me why I love ballet so much. 🩰

We all had such a giggle, me and the lovely ladies I shared the class with, giggling at our little mistakes and getting that lovely feeling of camaraderie that just fills me with so much joy!

After a few spins, some stretching, and an awful lot of pliés, I felt ready for a spot of lunch. I popped into a charming little café tucked away in an alleyway, serving the best scones with cream and jam, if I do say so myself! The air in Longton was buzzing, a little mix of local chatter, that comforting aroma of coffee, and even a cheeky robin who tried to share my scone, that cheeky little bird.

In the afternoon, I decided to pay a visit to the local nature reserve. Let’s face it, a ballet girl can’t be a true ballet bunny without having an affinity for the animals! 🐿️ I spent hours wandering through the paths, keeping an eye out for the little wildlife, the local creatures making it their home. 🐦 There were squirrels scampering amongst the trees, little shy hedgehogs peeping out of the long grass, and all sorts of feathered friends chirping a chorus in the afternoon sun.

The peace and serenity of the reserve felt almost mystical, especially when combined with the dramatic skies rolling in with that delicious November light. The grey clouds lit up with the pink sunset making it all so romantic. I could’ve stayed all day if my white tutu wouldn’t have got too soggy from the gentle November rain! 🌧️

Longton is certainly a hidden gem, with its charm, its history, and the unexpected delights that it holds within its borders, I could easily lose myself here.

But even though it was lovely to step away from the bustling city life and get my nature fix, you can't keep this pink tutu out of the spotlight for too long. My travels take me onwards! Next stop? London. Big, beautiful, dramatic, iconic, London is the next stage on my ballet adventure!

Until then, keep on dancing! Don’t forget to share your adventures with me over on www.pink-tutu.com . Remember – the world is a much brighter place with a pink tutu on! 💖🩰

With all the love in my heart, Emma x

#TutuBlog 1997-11-10 in Longton with a white tutu.