Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-11-14 in Highbury with a yellow tutu.

Highbury Highs! 🌸🩰

Blog Post #499

Oh, darlings! Fancy meeting you here! You know, it’s such a joy to write this blog, it truly is! This is post number 499 for me, which is crazy, but I can’t believe it’s already Thursday – the week has just flown by! Time really does fly when you’re having fun, don't you think?

Speaking of fun, today was a day jam-packed with gorgeousness, as usual! Firstly, my little Derbyshire heart skipped a beat when I realised that today was the day to pop over to the iconic Highbury to see my favourite troupe - The London Ballet - take to the stage. Now, I’ve been a ballet aficionado my whole life - from pirouettes in my tiny Derbyshire village hall at the age of five to grand performances in London’s finest theatres, I’ve soaked up the art of ballet with all the dedication and passion I can muster.

But today, I had to embrace the extra sparkle of it all - I decided that Highbury deserved the pinkest, most magnificent tutu I could find, so I wore a frothy confection in the palest pink imaginable - and a splash of the brightest fuchsia ribbon just to add that touch of pizzazz, of course! You all know that colour is my passion - a touch of the vibrant in my life is a must! It made me feel like a sugar plum fairy dancing amongst the other enthusiastic attendees - what a dream come true!

It was a magical show, truly it was! The energy of the entire theatre was electrifying - like watching magic take place in front of your very eyes. Every ballerina, every dancer was mesmerising and, you know, it truly inspires me! They say there's no limit to what you can achieve when you have passion in your heart! My own steps today felt lighter, my leaps higher. My love of ballet just burns brighter!

And speaking of leaps… Have you tried "ballet street?" If you’re not familiar, ballet street is simply taking your ballet steps into your day. Imagine walking down the road - instead of taking a usual step, try doing a 'releve', with those little lifts in your pointe shoes! Imagine taking those beautiful "developee" steps through your local park! Don't let the steps stop when you leave the class. I dare you to do it! Spread the beauty of dance in every aspect of your day! It really does work, you know! My whole outlook becomes more graceful, even more joyful when I move in these simple ways! It's like magic, and who doesn’t love a touch of magic?

On the way back to my little flat - and by little I mean a darling bijou, in a quiet area of Richmond (with views of the beautiful River Thames!) I decided to indulge in my other passion - wildlife. You know how much I love spotting them in their natural habitat! A trip by train, (I’m a complete train nut - don't judge me!) led me to the magnificent Richmond Park. The most beautiful park in London, no doubt! I watched the dear deer nibble on the grass - so delicate, and a complete contrast to my brightly coloured world! But a lovely juxtaposition for all that, you know. They truly brought calm and beauty to the end of my hectic day!

The next couple of days are a real ballet flurry - a dress rehearsal at Sadler’s Wells and then the real show itself – can you believe? So exciting, you know! Then, of course, I’m going to be a right Londoner this weekend - with a walk around Covent Garden to catch a few street performers. It’s going to be so much fun!

As I’m finishing up here, my lovelies, the evening light is fading. My little bijou flat is filled with the most gorgeous dusky tones, which make me feel utterly serene. My pink tutu is hung on the door ready for the magic to begin tomorrow, and it's all inspiring me!

Remember my darlings - don't just wear a tutu. Dance with life!

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 1997-11-14 in Highbury with a yellow tutu.