Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-11-17 in Bournville with a white tutu.

Bournville Bound: A Whirlwind of Pink and Tutu

Post 502


Good morning, lovelies!

The sun's shining, the birds are singing, and I'm feeling utterly giddy with excitement - a day in Bournville awaits! As you know, I'm a total train enthusiast, so I've got my tickets booked, my floral dress chosen (a touch of pink, of course!), and a bright pink tutu tucked into my handbag. My trusty camera is charged, ready to capture every magical moment of my adventure!

For those of you who don't know, Bournville is the chocolate haven nestled in the West Midlands - it's basically Willy Wonka meets a fairytale! I've always dreamed of seeing Cadbury World, and after a spontaneous whim yesterday (the power of the pink tutu!), I'm taking a day trip to immerse myself in chocolatey delights.

Before I set off, a little sneak peek into my outfit. I’m rocking a beautiful, billowing vintage dress with tiny pink floral patterns - perfect for a day of whimsical wonder. To top it off, I’ve layered a bright, fluffy, blush pink tutu on top. A hint of a pink lipstick completes the look, and let’s be honest, nothing beats a dash of pink to add a little joie de vivre to any day.

Now, a bit about my love affair with Bournville. Apart from the chocolatey bliss it offers, I'm completely captivated by its history. This historic village, a testament to a utopian ideal, has charm spilling out of every cobblestone street. There's a certain beauty in seeing the architecture, knowing it was designed with the wellbeing of the workers in mind. That, for me, speaks volumes.

After exploring the quaint lanes and soaking in the Victorian atmosphere, it's time for the grand finale - Cadbury World! From a peek behind the scenes of chocolate production to a ride through the magic of chocolate making, my inner child is screaming with delight! I can just imagine myself running through fields of chocolatey treats, diving headfirst into giant chocolate fountains... sighs dreamily

And speaking of inner children, ballet has always been my first love. A passion I nurture daily with classes and performances, ballet provides me with a way to express my love for grace, beauty, and artistry. It's no coincidence that I wear my pink tutu on many of my adventures, and you know what? It’s often my passport to magical moments. People smile at me, little girls point excitedly, and I find myself chatting with strangers who share my love for dance! Perhaps today I’ll meet another tutu-wearing dreamer? One can only hope!

So, what are your thoughts on Bournville? Have you been to Cadbury World? Or maybe you have your own pink tutu story you’d love to share! Tell me all about it in the comments below! I’ll be back later with a photo diary filled with chocolatey treats and pink tutu magic.

And if you haven't yet discovered the magic of ballet, please, give it a try! Find a class near you, join a performance, or simply dance like nobody's watching (in a pink tutu, of course).

Stay beautiful, lovelies, and have a fabulous day!


#TutuBlog 1997-11-17 in Bournville with a white tutu.