Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-11-19 in Consett with a orange tutu.

Consett Calling! #TutuBlog 504

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the lovely Consett in County Durham! I must say, the journey here was a bit of a whirlwind! First, I took a delightful train ride from Derbyshire, chugging past quaint villages and charming rolling hills, my window seat offering the most fabulous views. Ahem, I even managed to squeeze in a little ballet practice in the aisle between the seats! Don’t tell the conductor… he’d probably tell me to take it to the dance studio. 😉

And speaking of dance studios, Consett is a total gem for the budding ballerina! I just took an incredible ballet class at the local studio. It was a real blast – such friendly faces and an incredible energy in the room. Even if you think you’ve two left feet, don't be scared – come and have a go, I promise you'll love it! It’s the best feeling in the world to twirl and pirouette, knowing that you’re not just moving your body, you’re moving your soul too.

Anyway, back to my day. This morning, after my super-productive class, I did what any well-travelled ballet blogger does, right? Yep, I went to the park! Not just any park though… it’s the beautiful, verdant beauty that is the Derwent Walk. It’s a little slice of paradise - and trust me, every ballerina needs a slice of nature in her life to inspire her creativity.

While I was admiring the nature, I spotted the most fabulous array of wildlife! I swear I even saw a pair of deer… possibly a little buck with a stag do for the boys! I know it’s probably a little cliché but there’s just something truly magical about seeing those creatures running free! Makes you feel totally connected to nature.

Speaking of nature, have you seen the lovely fall foliage here? The vibrant oranges and reds were truly inspiring. I’ve got to say, the inspiration just flows! My outfit today is actually a reflection of all this colour. It's my new favourite orange tutu! It has beautiful, subtle ruffles that just add a bit of elegance to the look and it's all paired with a cream-coloured cashmere jumper for a bit of added warmth and a splash of girly pink underneath. Oh, and I had to tie it off with a big bright orange poppy tucked into the side of my bun - just to remind everyone that even in winter, there's always a bit of spring in my step.

This evening, I'm planning to hit the town and take in some live performance. This beautiful town seems to have a great little theatre, and from what I've heard, their dance productions are utterly charming! It's always good to see some ballet professionals take the stage and inspire the next generation!

Oh! Did I mention I got my ballet shoes shined yesterday? They gleam like new! I even wore my little pink velvet shoes and took a quick snap in a quiet corner of the train station to show off. A ballet blogger's gotta take advantage of those photo opportunities, darling!

You know what's amazing about my day today? Everyone's been so lovely and welcoming in Consett! And everyone has been so happy to talk about their passions, from ballet to wildlife, the town is filled with genuine hearts!

Now I know I keep saying this, but darling, do yourself a favour! Grab your most fabulous tutu - whatever colour it may be (I just have a little preference for pink) - and hit up the ballet studio. Take a class, meet new friends, and discover a world where grace meets strength, where beauty meets strength! And remember, no matter where you are, never be afraid to spread your wings and dance! Because life is a stage, and you're the star. 😉

Oh! Before I forget. I know, I know... you've probably all been wondering what I'm reading. Today it’s something very special. It’s all about the history of ballet! Did you know it all started in the courts of Italy in the 16th century? Fascinating! And the best bit? I’m reading it curled up in the coziest little hotel room with a view of the countryside – sheer luxury!

Don't forget, darlings, keep an eye on www.pink-tutu.com, as I'll be updating the blog daily with more exciting adventures.

Until tomorrow, you glorious people.

Sending pink tutus and sparkly dreams!

Emma x

#TutuBlog 1997-11-19 in Consett with a orange tutu.