Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-13 in Belfast with a purple tutu.

Belfast: A Pink Tutu Paradise (Post #528)

Hello, darlings! Emma here, and oh my goodness, you won't believe what adventures awaited me in Belfast! I swear, my pink tutu practically vibrated with excitement as we pulled into the station, all crisp winter air and the scent of the sea. It felt like a scene straight out of a ballet!

Now, before we get into the magical details, I have to tell you about my journey. I decided to ditch the usual train ride for a delightful equestrian experience. Picture me, my trusty steed – a glorious chestnut mare named Willow – galloping across the Derbyshire countryside. The wind in my hair, the sun on my face, it was sheer bliss! And of course, I was a vision in my pink tutu – even while horseback riding, darling, a little flair is always necessary.

As for Belfast itself, well, it was just utterly enchanting. From the moment I arrived, I felt a buzz in the air, a sense of vibrancy and creativity that made my toes tap with anticipation. I found the most darling little cafe with fairy lights twinkling outside – perfect for a pre-show cappuccino, of course. It’s definitely my new go-to spot in the city!

My first stop had to be the grand Grand Opera House - talk about a magnificent venue, dripping in history and grandeur. I swear, even the ceiling shimmered with golden stardust. You’ll just have to trust me on this one! But let’s be honest, the highlight of the evening was the performance of “Swan Lake” by the Northern Ireland Opera. Every dancer moved with such grace and power, it was utterly captivating. The finale, where all the swans take flight - I’m telling you, it almost brought a tear to my eye.

And what was my outfit, you ask? Of course, I went for my favourite dusty rose tutu. It looked fabulous with my velvet shawl, and my tiny matching bag – I simply shimmered. Every time I moved, it seemed to catch the lights perfectly! I was like a tiny little princess right out of the show, my fellow audience members looked absolutely mesmerized.

The next morning, after a good old fashioned English breakfast, it was off to the Belfast Ballet Studios. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Emma, you go to ballet class every week. What could be so special?” And you’d be right… well, almost.

These studios were just off the bustling, lively street - a true contrast of chaos and calmness. I must confess, it took me a while to even spot them. This little treasure was tucked away in a narrow alley, hidden amongst ancient brick buildings. The building itself seemed like something out of a dream - it looked as if it had stepped straight out of the 1920s! I loved it. The moment I stepped inside, the warmth of the wood floors and the scent of sweat and beeswax brought a smile to my face.

The classes I took there were… invigorating! Let me tell you, I have been dancing my entire life, but these Belfast dancers have something extra. It was almost as if they understood their own movements with an extra level of feeling, their bodies moving almost on autopilot. It was a revelation! Even though I was absolutely buzzing afterwards (and oh, how I adore that post-workout glow), it made me appreciate even more how much I have to learn - I never want to stop challenging myself. After all, even prima ballerinas have to practise.

Now, I just had to incorporate a bit of that Belfast energy into my life - that’s what keeps me feeling inspired. This city is filled with life and beauty. I mean, come on - even the local parks look straight out of a fairy tale! I ended my trip with a leisurely stroll around Stormont Estate. It felt like the most luxurious picnic area in the world. Willow – she is becoming quite a local celeb you know! – took me around the beautifully landscaped gardens while we all soaked in the glorious autumn scenery. And for the ultimate whimsical touch, we enjoyed a cup of tea while taking in a view of the stunning city.

What did I love about my trip? Well, aside from the dancing, of course, I fell completely in love with Belfast’s sense of history and culture. Every building, every street corner seemed to have a story waiting to be discovered.

I know this was a shorter blog than usual. I was so engrossed in all the lovely things Belfast had to offer. I have a lot more to write about this magical place. So many things inspire me, darling. It’s about trying something new, exploring every avenue and then, yes - that's right! - showing the world a little pink tutu magic. So next time you’re in Belfast, be sure to stop by and say hello, darlings. Just be prepared to join me in my favourite colour and discover the beauty of ballet!

Keep smiling, darling! And remember, always wear pink.

Much love, Emma x

#TutuBlog 1997-12-13 in Belfast with a purple tutu.