Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-17 in Westminster with a green tutu.

Westminster Wonders: Tutu-ing Around in a Green Glory

#532 - 17th December 1997

Hello lovelies!

Well, you know how much I adore a good green tutu – they just make me feel so alive, so ready to leap and twirl through life! And that's exactly what I was doing in the glorious city of Westminster yesterday, all thanks to a stunning new tutu that simply demanded a photoshoot in the grandeur of this historical place.

I must admit, I do feel incredibly lucky to have a life filled with the most exquisite tutus imaginable, and a travel itinerary that takes me from one fabulous location to another. You all know I'm mad about travelling by train, the rhythmic clickety-clack against the rails as I watch the countryside whizz by… bliss! I arrived in Westminster with a spring in my step and a heart brimming with excitement. It felt like I was going back to the good old days of travelling by train for performance, a part of my life I truly cherish.

Now, you may think it’s a bit extravagant to wear a green tutu to a historic place like Westminster, but that’s where you’d be wrong! In my opinion, it’s all about injecting a bit of fun and a touch of magic into our lives. And with this particular green tutu, oh, it just made the city sing! I paired it with my favourite ballet flats (that lovely shade of pale pink, of course, because let’s face it, a tutu doesn’t look right with anything else!) and felt like a vision of spring bursting through the winter frost.

My first stop was, naturally, Buckingham Palace. I mean, how could I resist? The imposing facade with all its grandeur and history was a perfect backdrop for a bit of twirling and a few ballerina poses. A gaggle of tourists gasped as I spun around, their faces awash with surprise, delight and a smidge of confusion. It really brightened their day, and it certainly brightened mine! Honestly, you should see my photos! Buckingham Palace, green tutu, sunshine… pure magic.

After basking in the royal glow, I made my way through the bustling streets, the shops, the bustling crowds. Westminster is an exciting, noisy city, brimming with life. But what’s most magical about the city, for me at least, is its beautiful old architecture – so much of history lives and breathes in this place, and I’m so grateful I got to spend some time exploring it all in a green tutu.

Let’s not forget my absolute favourite pastime – exploring the beauty of our natural world. As you know, my ballet studio is in Derbyshire, so I'm surrounded by the rolling hills and green countryside of the Peak District. So when I get the chance to explore new wild places on my travels, I'm always delighted! In the heart of Westminster, amidst the historical sites and bustling shops, you wouldn’t believe it, but I found a secret green haven - St James’s Park! It’s a little pocket of paradise where the trees whisper secrets to the swans, and the squirrels dance a jig. I was thrilled to be surrounded by nature.

There was so much going on! I managed to catch the very end of a ballet performance on a street corner - a tiny street stage and dancers all in white. It was such a beautiful piece of street performance art – how I love when the unexpected happens. I even spotted a little girl watching, eyes shining with excitement. That's why I do what I do! That's the joy of bringing ballet to the streets, making it accessible, igniting a passion!

And to top off my day, I was lucky enough to stumble upon the most incredible ballet class. It was in the courtyard of a beautiful old building, bathed in sunshine and bathed in the most wonderful sounds of classical music. I managed to sneak in and watch the class, and it was a real treat to see how dancers in Westminster approach the art.

By the time evening came around, I was exhausted but utterly content. The vibrant energy of the city, the historical atmosphere, and the chance to dance around in a green tutu... what more could I possibly want? As I sat on the train heading home, I reflected on all the wonders I had experienced.

My darling dears, I am convinced that there is magic to be found in every corner of the world, if only we’re open to seeing it. Don’t let anything hold you back. Get out there, explore, find your own magic. And if it involves a pink tutu, all the better!

Remember: the world is your dance floor!

See you all tomorrow on www.pink-tutu.com, when I'll be sharing some glorious new photographs!

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 1997-12-17 in Westminster with a green tutu.