Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-20 in Norwich with a pancake tutu.

Norwich - A Whirlwind of Pancakes and Pink

Post 535: 20th December, 1997

Oh darling, where do I even begin?! My little head is spinning faster than a ballerina on pointe – in a good way, of course! I’ve had such a simply divine time in Norwich, a city that truly understands the importance of pink tutus (and, to my delight, even embraces the pancake variety!)

It’s been a whirlwind of ballet, beautiful scenery, and yes, even a rather amusing encounter with a horse who clearly understood the beauty of a pink tutu. Honestly, dear readers, you can never tell where life’s little adventures might lead you!

I arrived in Norwich just in time to catch the end of a most delightful Christmas market. Now, let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like the festive air of a bustling Christmas market, and this one was no exception. The aroma of gingerbread, hot cider, and cinnamon drifted through the air, mingling with the sound of carols and the merry laughter of children. Of course, I couldn’t resist grabbing myself a beautifully decorated gingerbread heart with a pink icing ribbon. I'm hoping it's not all sugar-coated charm and no real flavour - I'll be writing another post on that later!

And speaking of charm, the Norwich Theatre Royal was a real jewel in the crown of this lovely city. It’s been there since the 18th century – quite old, you know – and with such beautiful architecture! You’d expect nothing less than exquisite craftsmanship and elegance from a theatre this grand, and they certainly didn’t disappoint. We sat on velvety plush chairs that felt like little clouds and watched the most breathtaking performance by the Norwich Ballet. The artistry was divine; the ballerinas floated across the stage as light as feathers, and the choreography was simply mesmerizing.

I am completely hooked on the "Nutcracker" – I must admit it’s not just the festive spirit that captivates me; it’s the fairytale narrative, the beautiful music, and the spectacle. There’s just something incredibly romantic about ballet. There’s magic in the air and stories waiting to be told. As I watched the ballerinas glide, twirl, and leap across the stage, I found myself utterly captivated by the intricate movements and graceful flow. They truly embodied the spirit of ballet, and for that brief moment, it was like all my cares melted away. Of course, every time I saw a dancer leaping into a spectacular pose or executing a perfect fouetté, I had the urge to hop onto the stage and dance myself. One day, darling, one day!

After the performance, I simply had to do what any respectable ballet-loving individual would do - I had to try out the stage! Thankfully, I was in luck! There were these lovely, sweet ladies outside the theatre in bright pink coats with little ballet-related crafts and snacks. Of course, I simply HAD to indulge myself and treat myself to some scrumptious sweets from the stall that promised a perfect pink tutu pancake (made with strawberries and cream, my darling, what a combination!) And just when I thought the day couldn't possibly get better, a lady in a red coat told me that one of their "professional dancers" was going to give me a little spin in her “pink tutu.” And it did, and you'll have to excuse my excitement, I may have squealed. A tiny, delightful pink tututu - a symbol of my heart's true desires – a magical ballet experience in a fluffy tutu - how wonderfully decadent, how thoroughly brilliant. My pink-tutu heart swelled! This was certainly one of those charming little experiences that reminds you to take the time to embrace the little things in life – the small joys, the unexpected gifts.

After the excitement, I couldn’t resist venturing further into Norwich to explore the city's hidden treasures. One such treasure turned out to be a rather curious antique shop named "The Unicorn’s Den". Now, the name alone suggests a certain enchanting atmosphere, and that’s precisely what I found inside. I wandered through the charming little shop, lost in the world of trinkets, teacups, and trinkets, and I could tell this place has seen it all, holding memories, history, and beauty within its worn walls. If I wasn’t already in such a blissful mood, the shop owner's pink floral beret and perfectly round, elegant pink spectacles would have set me off. Oh, darling, sometimes I think pink is a little too “pretty,” and “too girlie,” but no matter how hard I try, I can’t ever deny it’s the only true colour of love. I couldn't leave without getting a beautiful old porcelain doll (which I swear has little twinkle in its eyes) that now sits in the centre of my ballet dressing table!

In a city that knows its way around history and beauty, my trip to Norwich couldn't possibly be complete without visiting Norwich Cathedral. The beautiful Gothic architecture was breathtaking and its vast spaces echoing with the history and grandeur of centuries past, the very air resonated with stories. Imagine my surprise and delight when I stumbled upon a captivating mural depicting the legend of the unicorn! For you see, dear readers, the unicorn holds a very special place in my heart. It embodies the magic, purity, and mystery of the world and its beauty inspires me – especially its legendary spirit, strength and the graceful flowing white mane.

Of course, after exploring Norwich Cathedral, my stomach began to rumble. And a girl can't exist on pancakes and antique dolls, can she? (Well, at least, not for very long, darling).

The lovely ladies outside the theatre gave me a handy list of the best cafes in town and so I headed to a quaint little bistro named “The Pink Peacock,” tucked away on a charming little side street – so elegant, with the quaint charm of traditional floral tablecloths! I am utterly in love with the idea of enjoying a good cup of tea while watching birds chirping in a beautiful setting – it’s my ideal way to unwind and relax after a long day of exploring. A truly divine pink teapot, a little floral design that is delicate and romantic. Perfect. The atmosphere was peaceful, and the staff was friendly – not too chatty. Just right! The place was buzzing, but you can’t mistake the quiet elegance. And the scones...Oh darling, the scones. Fluffy and buttery – a true delight!

After the afternoon tea I simply HAD to take a little stroll through the beautiful Norfolk countryside. Imagine my delight, dear readers, as I passed a lovely young couple – oh they looked like they were from a romantic, elegant Victorian novel – with a gorgeous chestnut mare! Now, of course, I was captivated by its silky mane, shining chestnut coat and lovely eyelashes (no, darling, I swear I didn’t just imagine those lovely eyes and long lashes). They were perfectly graceful and so poised – as if they too had been taking ballet lessons. Well, who would have thought, dear readers, that a chestnut mare would steal my heart (in addition to that fabulous Norwich theatre show)?! I am just enchanted with how well-suited horses and ballet seem to be - two elegant creatures of motion. Perhaps there's a connection there, perhaps they're part of the same romantic, elegant fairytale, perhaps one day I will find a chestnut mare just like the one in my storybook, to explore the Derbyshire hills and country lanes. One day, darling. One day…

And, oh dear readers, this evening I have the ultimate treat – the world’s largest outdoor Christmas ice rink in Norwich – so I will be wearing my finest (pink, naturally!) dress, a lovely white boa, my black ballet shoes and a white lace scarf. All for the perfect skate – with grace, of course. Oh, dear readers, I shall be sure to let you know about that, in detail, in my next blog!

And that’s all, darling! Time for this pink tutu wearing ballet ballerina to get some much-needed beauty sleep and prepare for tomorrow's grand skating adventure! Don't forget to pop back and read my blog on my exciting skating escapade!

Till next time,

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 1997-12-20 in Norwich with a pancake tutu.