Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-29 in Ilford with a fluffy tutu.

TutuBlog Post #544: Ilford Adventures in Fluffy Pink

Hello, my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu enthusiast, Emma, checking in from the charming town of Ilford. Yes, I'm finally here, nestled snug as a bug in a... well, not quite a tutu, but in a lovely cosy hotel room. It feels so good to be back in the capital. There's a special kind of energy buzzing about, especially with Christmas just around the corner!

This trip is a double-whammy, with a fabulous show at Sadler's Wells (can't reveal too much yet!) and, best of all, a sneak peek into the renowned Royal Opera House ballet archives. The mere thought of waltzing through that incredible treasure trove has my heart beating a happy jig. I'm practically skipping with excitement, and don't even get me started on the outfit I've planned for the occasion! Let's just say, think feathers, sparkle, and maybe even a hint of that elusive shade of pink that I’m calling "Raspberry Dream".

Onward by Train!

Now, I know some of you think I’m utterly bonkers, obsessed with the railways as I am, but truly, is there a better way to travel than by train? The gentle sway of the carriages, the quiet hum of the engine, the ability to just sit back, sip some tea and let the world whizz past? And don't even get me started on those wonderful panoramic views you get, especially when you’re cutting through the countryside. It feels like a journey to another time, where every window becomes a portal to a new adventure. I was fortunate enough to get a window seat on the way down, watching the world go by through a shimmering windowpane that just seemed to echo the vibrant colours of the changing landscape.

A Ballet Break at Harlow Station

Did I mention the railway station at Harlow? It’s truly a treat for the eyes! Those stunning arches and the echoes of bygone grandeur make you want to twirl with joy! In fact, I couldn’t resist stopping for a quick ballet break. I had to snap a picture, of course, a perfectly elegant twirl under the arched doorway, tutu billowing and all. It was such a wonderful way to feel connected to my ballet roots while travelling.

A Spot of Wildlife on the way

Even the countryside was teeming with Christmas magic, with winter trees, fluffy sheep and a flash of a deer bounding through the undergrowth just as I passed! Honestly, I think that deer winked at me! How incredible is it to encounter such natural beauty? I was captivated by the delicate frosted branches and the air had a sharp, almost sparkling freshness to it. There's truly magic to be found in the most unexpected of places.

Reaching for Ilford - An Enchanted Haven

Ilford is turning out to be a delightful little haven. It feels quintessentially English with its cobbled streets, traditional shops, and cozy tea rooms. I’m staying at a boutique hotel with floral wallpaper and enough charm to fill a whole teacup collection. Plus, there's this delightful little bakery that’s just around the corner, serving the most exquisite pastries. It's the perfect antidote to my intense rehearsals and London wanderings, giving me time to reflect on all the magic I've witnessed.

Dancing into Christmas Spirit

Speaking of magic, I’m finally catching up on some festive treats. The Christmas markets are truly enchanting - so much twinkling lights, fragrant scents of cinnamon and ginger, and joyful carol singers adding to the festive cheer. Every stall tells a story, filled with handcrafted gifts, gingerbread treats and, of course, warm mulled wine!

And wouldn't you know it, but I found a perfect little pink knitted scarf for my sister! Imagine, a fuzzy little pink scarf, the perfect accessory to wear for any snowy escapade. I bet she'll love it. You've got to agree, she is the ultimate girly girl with a passion for all things fabulous and pink. We both share that.

Dance is a Universal Language

It doesn't matter if you're at Sadler's Wells or Harlow Station or even a bustling Christmas Market, dance, for me, is the universal language that speaks to the heart, The grace and passion in each turn and pirouette, the emotion carried in the rhythm of every leap... these are the moments that fill my heart with pure joy!

So, keep an eye out on this space, my darlings! The ballet adventures are just starting to heat up, and you wouldn’t miss it for the world! You can keep up to date with all my travels, my musings, my ballet lessons (who knew the Derbyshire countryside could be such a great place for barre workouts?!) and the little snippets of magic that I uncover every single day at www.pink-tutu.com.

Remember, darlings, every day is a chance to twirl with joy!

Much love,


P.S. What is your favourite pink? Tell me all about it!

#TutuBlog 1997-12-29 in Ilford with a fluffy tutu.