Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-31 in Oxford with a feather tutu.

Oxford, My Love! - TutuBlog #546

Hello, my darlings! It's Emma here, fresh off the train from a whirlwind trip to Oxford, a city that truly stole my heart. I have to tell you, this post might be a tad longer than usual, because the sheer number of tutu-worthy moments I had just demands a little more space to share the loveliness with you all. And darling, you wouldn't believe what happened - a feather tutu?! Buckle up, because it's time for another exciting adventure on Pink-Tutu.com!

My journey began in the heart of Derbyshire, with a farewell hug to my fluffy little companion, Pip the sheepdog (don't worry, I promised to bring him a bone back from my travels!) and a wistful glance at the hills bathed in morning mist. There's just something magical about the air in Derbyshire.

The train journey was absolutely blissful. I adore the gentle rhythm of the tracks and the scenery blurring past. And wouldn't you know it, I was seated next to a delightful chap in a fetching tweed jacket, who confided in me that his grandmother was a former ballerina. The conversation flowed so beautifully, filled with tales of swirling tutus and grand stage entrances. I even found out about this wonderful, hidden gem of a ballet school just outside Oxford, and he promised to let me know when their next open day was. I can already see myself, twirling in their hallowed halls.

I arrived in Oxford, the very air abuzz with a feeling of history and vibrance. I found a sweet little cottage to stay in, right on the edge of a sprawling meadow. I felt like a fairy stepping out of a storybook, and who better to guide me through this wondrous landscape than Pip's favourite stuffed horse, Mr. Gallop?

The meadow was bursting with life, butterflies flitting among the wild flowers, the soft sounds of birdsong serenading the day, and rabbits popping in and out of their burrows. The meadow was even home to a little herd of miniature Shetland ponies. Such exquisite little creatures. My tutu spun as I knelt down to greet them with gentle strokes. They let me touch their soft coats, and it was all I could do to stop myself from pulling out a sparkly pink ribbon for their manes!

But darling, my dear Oxford adventure was just getting started! You see, Oxford had something even more enchanting in store... a feathery tutu! Picture this: I was wandering down a narrow cobblestone street, past the most magnificent bookshop filled with tales of forgotten worlds, when I noticed a peculiar sign: "The Plume Emporium: Where Fantasy Takes Flight." I walked in and was immediately swept away! It was a whimsical shop filled with an array of feathers, soft and light like angel wings. And what did I discover in the midst of this feathered paradise? You guessed it: a dazzling feather tutu.

Imagine, my lovelies, a tutu constructed from the most beautiful, ethereal plumes I'd ever seen. It had shades of sky blue, soft blush pink, and even a touch of amethyst, all intricately woven to create a piece of ethereal magic. I knew in that very moment, my dears, I was going to buy it. This wasn't just a tutu, it was a statement, a story told in feathers, and it was calling to me, asking me to bring its delicate charm into the world.

Well, I took it on a little photoshoot through the enchanting streets of Oxford. You see, every day I see tutues in the most unexpected of places - the ripples of a pond like a tiny tutu skirt, the leaves swirling down in the autumn breeze, even a group of excited little girls running with pink and white streamers. I see them everywhere! My whole life has become a giant, delightful tutu adventure.

Later that evening, I strolled along the banks of the River Thames, watching the boats gently bob up and down. Oxford’s beauty truly surrounded me, but even surrounded by all the beauty of the city, my heart was longing for the warmth of ballet. I made my way to Oxford Playhouse Theatre where I had discovered they were putting on a production of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, my all-time favourite. What joy! It truly was magical, everything from the intricate sets to the grace of the dancers. They reminded me once again why I live and breathe ballet.

The play ended with the ballerina taking her grand curtsy. It filled me with such pride to witness a story come to life in that way. I wished everyone could experience the magical transformation that happens when the theatre comes alive, that unique kind of magic that only happens when ballet takes to the stage.

As I settled back in my little cottage, I knew my trip to Oxford had been a blessing, but also a reminder. The pink tutu wasn’t just about clothes, it was about feeling confident and free in your own skin. My mission in life, dear friends, remains to encourage you all to embrace your inner ballerina. To see the magic in the world, and most importantly to take those giant, bold, and glorious steps that lead you to where you're truly meant to be!

Now, darling, until next time, be brave, be fabulous, and always, always embrace the power of the pink tutu. And remember to wear it everywhere because the world is a much better place when it’s filled with pink tutu-wearing beauties like you.

Until next time, darlings, and bon voyage,



#TutuBlog 1997-12-31 in Oxford with a feather tutu.