Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-01-05 in Blackpool with a random tutu.

Blackpool: A Seaside Ballet Bonanza!

Post #551

Hello my lovely Tutu Tribe! It's Emma here, writing to you from the sun-kissed shores of Blackpool. Today, it's all about "Pink-tutu-ing" Blackpool! A whirlwind adventure with a little bit of seaside fun, a dash of ballet magic and, of course, my tutu of choice: a bright pink confection adorned with sequins and a cloud of tulle!

Blackpool's got such a special vibe; a little bit gritty, a whole lot of fun, and an energy that just makes you want to dance! I arrived yesterday after a most delightful journey by train; nothing quite beats watching the English countryside zoom past as you settle in for a long train journey! The journey felt so luxurious! I had the time to unpack my sketchbook, enjoy a good book and just breathe it all in. The perfect start to my Blackpool adventures.

The hotel I'm staying at is a right charmer - pink, obviously! - right on the beach front, so my view every morning is a sparkling turquoise sea. I love watching the seagulls, they seem so full of life. Such joy in just soaring through the air.

Ballet Bonanza

Of course, no Blackpool trip would be complete without a bit of ballet! Tonight, I’m heading to the Blackpool Grand, the stunning Victorian theatre right on the prom! It houses the Blackpool Dance Festival. So many talented dancers taking to the stage, sharing their passion, and captivating audiences - just what ballet is all about! I can’t wait to witness the beauty of classical ballet and maybe even catch some street ballet - the most exhilarating combination of ballet technique and street style - in action. Maybe I’ll even have a go myself in the square later!

Speaking of ballet, I just know my tutu is going to look divine against the seaside backdrop! Pink and the blue of the sea, the white of the sand, and the green of the beachfront – a picture-perfect palette. Blackpool is a fabulous place to showcase my love for tutues and let my inner ballerina shine.

Blackpool’s Charm

And the fun's not just in the theatre! I had a great time exploring the prom and having a go on the trams! Such a great way to take in the sights and sounds, plus, a good excuse to whirl and twirl! Did you know? I just discovered there’s a real 'Ballet by the Beach' experience that’s offered here in Blackpool, with open-air classes right on the sand. How dreamy is that? Think sun, sand, ballet, and a sparkly pink tutu? It’s a ballet dream come true. Who’s joining me?

My favourite discovery though, was the Blackpool Wildlife Sanctuary, where I had a chance to see so many incredible creatures, close up. The red squirrels are a sight to behold! They’re so full of energy, flitting around with their fluffy tails! I just adore their spirit. I hope one day to be just as energetic in my ballet! It’s amazing how these creatures can feel so at home in such a busy environment.

Pink-tutued Up

Blackpool has been an absolute whirlwind of fun, a total inspiration - already planning my next visit - and I can tell that my next blog post is going to be bursting with colour!

I hope I’ve inspired you all to get your tutus on, embrace your inner ballerina and to try new things!

Do let me know what your thoughts are! What are your ballet goals for 2023?

Remember, darling: A little bit of pink tutu magic goes a long way, and it’s always best to dance like nobody’s watching!

Sending love from Blackpool (and my pink tutu!),


P.S Don’t forget to visit my website, www.pink-tutu.com, for more pink-tutu-tastic posts and inspiration. I post daily and love to hear from you!

#TutuBlog 1998-01-05 in Blackpool with a random tutu.