
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-01-09 in Cambridge with a german tutu.

Cambridge Calling! (Post #555)

Pink Tutu Posse, Iā€™m back with a brand new blog and a heart full of pirouettes! Today's adventure finds me in Cambridge, that glorious city of dreaming spires and scholarly pursuits. This morning I boarded the train from my Derbyshire home, and I can't tell you how excited I was to escape the humdrum routine and be on my way. Thereā€™s nothing quite like that rhythmic chugging and the gentle sway of the train that takes you far, far away. I did my best to maintain a semblance of elegant composure but I can't lie - I indulged in a little ballet barre practice in my seat, much to the amusement of the gentleman sitting next to me!

What a wonderful feeling it is to be here, enveloped in Cambridge's history. I was immediately struck by the vibrancy, and I canā€™t deny a secret fascination with the quaint little cobblestone streets. You know how much I adore getting lost in a new place. Especially one with so much to discover. My nose has already detected the intoxicating fragrance of old books wafting from one of the ancient colleges. I wonder if theyā€™ve got a vintage ballet manual tucked away amongst those tomes!

But my primary mission today, Pink Tutu Posse, is not to find an old ballet book. Oh no! Itā€™s all about indulging in the art of movement itself. That's right, tonight I'm going to see a performance at the Cambridge Arts Theatre. You know I can't resist a live theatre performance, and I hear whispers that this particular one is quite something! Apparently, it's a ballet featuring the story of an extraordinary bird. Iā€™m keeping mum on the exact details ā€“ you know I love a good mystery! All I will say is, you just wait for the photos! I can't wait to show you the perfect pink tutu Iā€™m planning on pairing with a stunning black outfit for the performance. My trusty camera is at the ready to capture the dazzling, dreamlike setting and every breathtaking step.

You wouldn't believe what else I found! As I walked down one of those winding little streets, my eyes fell on a tiny little shop - a real treasure trove! Imagine, Pink Tutu Posse, my delight when I found a tutu there that spoke to me from the window display. It wasnā€™t exactly a "Pink Tutu" tutu, per se, but it certainly caught my attention. Letā€™s just say, itā€™s definitely on the ā€œvintage chicā€ side of the spectrum. Imagine this, darling: black mesh with swirling white sequins and just a hint of blush. It practically dances with me! This little number might be a little more suited for the theatre than the studio but trust me, sheā€™s an absolute stunner. A bit of ā€œsophisticated charmā€ I like to call her! I just couldn't leave her there, so I bought her immediately. My plan? Iā€™m taking her to London with me tomorrow to add a little vintage glamour to the upcoming gala. The best part? I already have an outfit in mind - itā€™s a beautiful midnight blue floor-length dress I picked up at a charity shop a few months back! I canā€™t wait to bring my ā€œSophisticated Charmā€ tutu along!

I know many of you are thinking, "Why are you so excited to wear a black tutu, Emma? Don't you only wear pink?" I know I talk about the vibrant, fun side of ballet all the time, but I have to tell you, my dearest readers: there's a world beyond pink. It's an adventure, you know? Itā€™s a beautiful world full of exploration. Like discovering a tucked-away alley with a little independent shop brimming with vintage clothing and beautiful finds ā€“ that's how I see ballet. Just wait till I tell you about the fantastic ā€œblackā€ outfit I picked up at that same shop this afternoon. I already know itā€™s going to look absolutely marvelous paired with ā€œSophisticated Charm.ā€

I just couldnā€™t resist, Pink Tutu Posse. I tried it on in the shop and did a little impromptu pirouette. Honestly, I was pretty good considering I had on these super awkward platforms and those super long, flowing velvet trousers. But they look beautiful. It was quite a performance, all in a little tiny shop, to a room of people trying on different dresses and knitwear! Letā€™s just say I had the attention of a couple of rather bewildered, yet delighted, ladies browsing nearby!

And, don't forget my fellow animal lovers! I can't go anywhere without taking time for our four-legged friends. So, a little secret for you, I went on a wild goose chase - or perhaps it should be ā€œgoose swim?ā€ - to St. Andrews Field to spot some of the many waterfowl residing there. And guess what? It's a goose party over there, with fluffy, waddling bundles everywhere. Theyā€™re all quite shy of people. Well, shy apart from that one magnificent drake who was most unwilling to keep a ā€œrespectable distanceā€ - a slight error in judgment, in my opinion, if I'm honest. To be fair, perhaps he just saw something magnificent in my dress - he could see its true beauty, you see, even before the magnificent performance tomorrow.

After all my lovely discoveries today, I can't wait to see where my ā€œvintage-glamorousā€ adventures will lead tomorrow in the bustling heart of London! Maybe Iā€™ll find another vintage ballet beauty to wear to my special occasion! You just never know with the incredible life you make in a vintage tutu!

Until tomorrow,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 1998-01-09 in Cambridge with a german tutu.