Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-01-14 in Slough with a black tutu.

Slough, My Darling! Tutu Travels: #560

Hello, lovelies! It's Emma, back from the most divine little trip to Slough and ready to tell you all about it! (Yep, I know, not exactly Paris or Rome, but trust me, this charming town had some delightful surprises.)

Today's post is a little different. You know me, I always try to find that perfect balance between Parisian chic and tutu-wearing fairytale, but sometimes life just throws you a curveball in the form of a "day trip to Slough". But you know what they say - embrace the unexpected, my dears! And that's exactly what I did, black tutu and all!

A Derbyshire Lass Embraces the Tracks:

After a beautiful train journey (which, let's face it, is pretty much the most elegant way to travel, especially if you have a lovely hat and a matching handbag - hello, afternoon tea on board!), I arrived in Slough feeling like I was about to enter a secret world of twirls and sunshine.

The air felt crisp, and the wind was dancing playfully with the leaves on the trees, almost as if they were tutus, swaying gently in a ballet of their own. This, of course, put me in the mood to twirl, which, I have to say, caused a few double-takes from passing commuters.

But hey, it's my mission in life, darling - to spread the love of tutu, ballet and pink across the world, one twirl at a time!

Wildlife Whispers and Tutu Revelations:

First stop on the Slough adventure was a visit to the charmingly named “Slough Observer”, where I enjoyed a proper cuppa with some delightful scones and clotted cream. Now, this place may be a tad different from your usual posh tea room, but trust me, it's a local gem! And who better to grace the tables with their tutu-tastic presence than yours truly? I even convinced a couple of locals to take a twirl (and let me tell you, some of those ladies had some hidden talent - they'd probably be up on the stage in no time with some tutus!).

Speaking of talented twirlers, did you know that Slough has its own impressive little wildlife sanctuary? My oh my! We're talking majestic peacocks, graceful swans and, much to my delight, the most charming little family of otters (who I imagine are also very proficient at pirouettes).

As I walked around the sanctuary, my mind raced with tutu ideas - a shimmering emerald tutu for the peacocks, sleek black tutus for the graceful swans, and adorable miniature tutus for those adorable little otters! Oh, the possibilities are endless, darling!

A Little Ballet on the Go:

Later, I stumbled upon the Slough Library, and my dears, did you know that it has its very own stage and theatre? This is a true hidden gem. And you can bet your tutu I snuck a peek at the calendar – some real exciting stuff happening!

Tutu Tip: Never, ever be afraid to embrace the unknown. Sometimes, a trip to a "random" place, even a "random" place like Slough, can bring you surprises that are far more exciting than you could ever imagine!

I had the absolute BEST time and, darling, you can quote me on this – Slough is about to be the hottest ticket in town.

But the most important thing is this, my dears – we can all embrace a little magic in our lives, and we can all take inspiration from the unexpected. Now, you tell me - where in your neighbourhood can you spot a little magic?

Remember, every single day is a chance to twirl and spread some tutu joy! Don’t forget to check out my Instagram (@emma.tutu.pink) and find me on Twitter (#pinktutu). Until next time, darling!

Yours truly,



#TutuBlog 1998-01-14 in Slough with a black tutu.