Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-01-24 in Worcester with a pink tutu.

Worcester Wonderfuls: Pink Tutu Adventures #570

Oh, my darlings! How are you all? Hope you’re ready for another adventure with your favourite tutu-clad traveller! Today I'm whisking you all off to Worcester, a lovely little town in the heart of England, with a touch of historical magic and a whole lotta pink!

It's Saturday morning, and I’ve woken up in my beautiful little B&B, which just so happens to be housed in a Grade II listed Georgian house, how chic is that?! Of course, no day in my life is complete without a ballet session, and after a delectable breakfast (the owner kindly makes the most amazing porridge, so yummy!), I’m off to the Worcestershire Dance Academy.

Let me tell you, it’s been a while since I’ve had a proper dance session, and I tell you, these beautiful people were so welcoming. They embraced my pink tutu like it was old news, which it practically is, darling, after all these years! After a good hour of leaps, fouettĂ©s, and relevĂ©s, I'm absolutely buzzing and my legs are quivering like a freshly shaken cocktail. It's pure magic, honestly.

Now, as for Worcester itself, it's just darling! There’s this lovely cobbled street lined with cafes and quirky shops, perfect for a girl on the go. After grabbing a delicious cheese and chutney sandwich (which you absolutely must try if you ever come here, darling!), I’m strolling through the city, admiring the architecture, imagining all the people who’ve walked these same streets over the years. I even managed to spot a little theatre where a fabulous matinee show is being staged - can’t miss a chance to support the arts, darling!

Worcester Cathedral is absolutely breath-taking, full of history and mystery, a truly fascinating place to be! It was the perfect place for a peaceful wander, contemplating the sheer beauty of the building and imagining the monks of yore.

Speaking of peaceful, the little park on the banks of the River Severn, where I had my afternoon tea and enjoyed some lovely people-watching (including a very excited group of children who were literally skipping with joy, they must have been headed to the ballet, too!), is a haven of loveliness. It’s quite funny really, the more I travel the more I see how nature makes everyone feel alive and joyful. And as if that wasn’t enough, I even managed to spot a family of ducks taking a swim, a pair of cheeky squirrels raiding a bird feeder, and a whole gaggle of geese. Truly delightful, darling, I tell you, truly delightful!

And as dusk settles over Worcester, I find myself back in the beautiful B&B, feeling wonderfully relaxed after a truly spectacular day. My little pink tutu is tucked safely in my suitcase, my head is full of dreams of grand jetĂ©s and delicate arabesques, and I’m planning tomorrow’s adventures with a happy little sigh.

It's a fantastic city full of surprises, Worcester. Oh, and speaking of surprises, darling, my journey back to Derbyshire is an adventure all its own. I’m taking a vintage steam train through the gorgeous countryside - imagine, steam and romance, what’s not to love?! It’s almost as beautiful as taking a carriage ride on a dappled afternoon, although I admit the steam engine does beat out a galloping horse when it comes to comfort!

So, darlings, there you have it, my adventures in Worcester. I truly encourage you all to head out and experience it for yourselves! Remember, it's always the best time to visit a beautiful place, darling, especially if you’ve got your favourite pink tutu with you. You’re never truly dressed without it, my dears. Now, who’s with me?

P.S. Don't forget, darlings! You can find my daily adventures on www.pink-tutu.com, just click on "Pink Tutu Diaries", you'll be right on time! And always, always remember - "Wear Pink! Dance, Dance, Dance!” It’s the only way to be, darlings!

Keep your heads held high, darlings! Love, Emma

#TutuBlog 1998-01-24 in Worcester with a pink tutu.