Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-01-30 in Darlington with a red tutu.

Darlington Darling! 💖 🩰

Post Number: 576


Oh my darlings! What a delightful day it’s been! It all started with a lovely, breezy train journey to Darlington, which I must admit, felt just like a scene from a Jane Austen novel! All those rolling green fields, charming villages, and charming folk who couldn’t help but smile when I passed by. Honestly, they must have been dazzled by the gorgeous pink tutu I’d chosen to wear for my day of adventure. Yes, you heard correctly, I travel in my tutus, I live in them, I basically breathe pink tulle!

Arriving in Darlington, I couldn't wait to explore. This charming little town has a unique character - cobbled streets lined with quaint shops, historic buildings telling tales of the past, and of course, the magnificent Darlington Civic Theatre, which was my first stop. Now, I adore theatres. They're places of magic, of stories brought to life, of joy and sadness, all held within their hallowed halls. Today, Darlington Civic was playing host to a dazzling dance showcase, with local talent and professionals from all over the country taking to the stage. I was so impressed! I love a good dance performance, especially when there are vibrant pink costumes and flamboyant choreography, just my style, really.

Speaking of vibrant colours, did I tell you about the gorgeous pink cake I had at this charming tea room, called "The Pink Rose?" It was delicious and so wonderfully fitting, wouldn't you say? I truly believe that life is too short for dull colours and drab desserts, don’t you agree, darlings? We should all live our lives like a flamboyant flamingo in a tutu - bright, bold, and unafraid to strut our stuff!

Later, I strolled along the River Skerne, basking in the afternoon sun, marvelling at the swans gliding on the water and the graceful grey squirrels scurrying through the trees. These little creatures never fail to amaze me with their nimble movements, their ability to blend seamlessly with their surroundings - a reminder to us all to find grace and poise in whatever we do.

The evening held another surprise - a lovely surprise encounter with a group of local ballet dancers! Imagine my delight when they recognised me! We had such a wonderful chat, comparing notes, sharing tips and advice, and, of course, gushing over the beautiful red tutu I was sporting, (well, I had to wear something a little bolder for the evening, wouldn’t you agree, darlings?). It’s lovely to feel a sense of community, especially with like-minded souls, isn’t it? Just the other day, I met a horsewoman who is mad keen on ballet and is now going to lessons at my local dance studio. So much fun!

Later, we headed to the Darlington Hippodrome, another historic gem. Sadly, no performance was happening today, but just strolling through its grand entrance and imagining the stage lights blazing, the audience in raptures, and the graceful movements of a ballerinas’s steps on stage sent shivers down my spine, all while looking perfectly delightful in my red tutu, I couldn’t help but twirl and jump, a bit of impromptu dancing on the theatre floor. Of course, nobody else noticed me. I love the solitude of being myself and feeling graceful! It was, well, absolutely delightful!

But even after a day jam-packed with magic, Darlington had one final treat in store - a magnificent view of the night sky. As the stars twinkled above, I sat by the River Skerne, surrounded by the serenity of nature, contemplating how a simple day of adventure can bring so much joy and inspiration. Darlington, you have truly enchanted me.

Back home in Derbyshire, I find myself lost in the memories of today's adventure, and I have an urge to put on a little dance number right now! If you haven’t visited Darlington yet, darlings, I implore you to add it to your list! And of course, never forget to embrace your inner ballerina and wear a pink tutu with confidence.

With all my love, Emma xx

#TutuBlog 1998-01-30 in Darlington with a red tutu.