Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-02-05 in Chester with a bright pink tutu.

Chester, oh Chester! 🩰 Pink Tutu Adventures #582

Hello lovelies! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu enthusiast, back with another adventure for your reading pleasure! 💖

Today, I'm writing from the charming city of Chester. A glorious trip by train brought me here, and trust me, the journey itself was half the fun. My fellow travellers, I swear, I could see them trying to hold back a smile at my bright pink tutu, perfectly paired with a vintage paisley scarf – chic, I know! 😉 I may have even overheard a whispered “Ooh, how fabulous!” from a woman clutching a cashmere cardigan – see, even the most seasoned travellers appreciate a bit of sartorial flair!

The moment I arrived in Chester, I was hit by a wave of history. The Roman walls, the half-timbered houses, the quaint cobbled streets - it felt like stepping into a time machine! But then I saw it - a sign that instantly brightened my day - the "Chester Ballet School." A whirlwind of excitement filled me! There’s no denying it, I love a good ballet class and it seemed the universe conspired to bring me to this lovely place! I mean, you'd be hard pressed to find a place that screams ballet more, and frankly, that’s my kind of place!

And you know what else makes me happy? Seeing ballet in the most unexpected places! Chester Theatre had an absolutely divine ballet performance tonight. The production, based on the Nutcracker, featured local talent. The girls danced so beautifully, with so much passion. They took you on a journey through the enchanting world of Clara's dream, with its waltzing snowflakes, gingerbread soldiers, and oh-so-grand Christmas Eve. I almost cried tears of joy when the Sugar Plum Fairy floated onstage – my love for all things sugar plum just knows no bounds. 😉

Between the ballet and the historic buildings, I found myself drawn to the wildness of Cheshire's countryside. Imagine me, prancing along a scenic pathway, tutu flowing in the breeze, surrounded by buzzing bees and babbling brooks, and a glorious sun beaming down on my pink-tutu clad frame! You can just picture it, right? (Seriously though, if you have never been, add Cheshire to your list of places to visit. It’s breathtaking. I may even need to move here myself!)

But wait, the excitement doesn’t stop there, lovelies! It just gets better, right?! I found a real gem: a quaint little shop filled to the brim with the most beautiful and ethically-sourced wildlife gifts. The shopkeeper, a sweet old woman with a kind heart and twinkling eyes, shared with me tales of the local animals that grace this area: foxes, owls, badgers, and all sorts of wildlife that share the English countryside. I couldn't leave without a fluffy owl keyring (it sits happily on my tote bag, reminding me of my visit).

Now, speaking of animals, I haven’t yet mentioned my trusty steed: my faithful horse, Sparkle. (I know, isn’t that the most fabulous name? ) I brought her along on this little trip, because you see, some of us appreciate a slower pace of life. She’s not your typical "high-maintenance" steed; I have a love for the quieter things in life. I think most of you who know me have probably met Sparkle by now - she features heavily on my blog – she's my loyal companion, a gentle giant of a horse, and has to be my favourite travel buddy - even when it takes her twice as long as it would by train. We share such special moments together – from the long, lazy days out on the moors, to the more intense rides on the gallops at sunrise - there's truly no other steed for me!

By now, you know how I love pink! I feel like it’s practically synonymous with my existence (seriously though, who can say no to a good dose of colour in life?). I think every single one of us should own a tutu. Maybe even try a little twirl now and then? We can dance together! (And for my non-dance-enthusiasts, pink tutu or not, just picture the look on people's faces - it's like instant smiles all around!)

Let’s get into the most important aspect of this trip: I finally found a place here that sells the cutest vintage ballet shoes (I’m planning on picking some up tomorrow). Seriously though, the shoes are a complete bargain – like I just can’t leave this place without buying one of every colour! The only problem is: I can’t decide between red, white, black, gold, purple… the options are simply endless! Oh, but who’s complaining about that?!

The day's winding down, the sun is sinking low in the sky, painting the cityscape in warm hues of orange and pink. My feet are aching, my heart is happy, and I'm filled with the feeling of joy that only comes from a perfect day. This trip to Chester has reminded me why I love traveling so much – discovering new places, embracing life's unexpected adventures, and being true to myself… and to pink, of course. 😉

But for now, a lovely bubble bath and a good book.

See you all tomorrow with more pink tutu tales – I can’t wait to share my Cheshire finds with you all! xx Emma

[You can follow my daily adventures at www.pink-tutu.com! ]

#TutuBlog 1998-02-05 in Chester with a bright pink tutu.