Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-02-07 in Nuneaton with a yellow tutu.

Nuneaton, Nuneaton, A Lovely Day Out! - Pink Tutu Blog Post 584

Hello darlings!

It’s Emma here, and I am absolutely buzzing after a lovely trip to Nuneaton today! This fab town is tucked away in Warwickshire, so not that far from my little home in Derbyshire, making it perfect for a day trip by train!

It's funny, though, how life just takes you in a whirl, sometimes even a dance-like whirl! Honestly, it's like destiny that led me to wear my bright yellow tutu to Nuneaton today. Why yellow? Well, you know me, always going for the sunshine, and bright yellow always just shouts happiness!

I do love me a vibrant colour! But pink is my favourite colour for sure. That's why I called my website pink-tutu.com, of course. Pink! Tututus! That's what life is all about, isn't it?

Oh, where was I? Yes, Nuneaton. Such a lovely town. And so full of history. I went for a walk in the Nuneaton Borough Council Public Gardens. They’re such a peaceful retreat. There was this one bench I fell in love with – imagine this, the prettiest wrought iron design covered in climbing roses. Absolutely charming.

Just a little bit of history. Nuneaton’s quite old, apparently founded in 700 AD. The place is full of interesting things, you should check it out. They've even got a medieval market square, Nuneaton's medieval market square with an amazing, and quite old, St Nicholas' Church, built in 1145, so grand. Really worth a look-see if you find yourself here!

You know, my day in Nuneaton was a lesson in appreciating the small, beautiful things – the vibrant roses, the quaint market stalls. Even seeing a lone fox dash across the road, giving me a mischievous glance, just tickled me pink! Oh, wildlife is my passion, alongside all things dance. I wouldn't mind trying to learn horse-riding next. Just a gentle ride in the countryside!

I was completely smitten by all the cute independent shops dotted along the street. There's nothing I like more than wandering, looking, and finding hidden treasures – and what's a treasure hunt without a bit of glamour, right? You just can't go wrong with a dash of pink! It just seemed to sparkle on the sunny afternoon, all around me. I felt like a proper ballet dancer on tour.

Oh, and I found the most incredible, delicate hand-made lace jewellery that is almost as lovely as my favourite tutu! I had to snap it up, you can find it on my pink-tutu.com page later. It matches the lace I have on a pair of new ballet shoes!

In the afternoon, I just had to experience a little bit of Nuneaton’s charm at one of their traditional pubs! The “old world” vibes of the pub were something special. The cosy atmosphere, the smell of wood, and the warmth – it was truly enchanting. And the food! So much tasty, home-cooked goodness. If you are in town I highly recommend the Nuneaton Pub (not sure on the official name – check the pink-tutu website! - will post some photos later). They also have a pretty awesome beer garden!

Then, later, for a little dose of art and culture, I visited the Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery. It really felt like a walk through time. There was some beautiful Victorian art and even a little local history thrown in, just how I love it. I mean, where else can you combine beautiful dance with gorgeous costumes, vintage treasures and history? Maybe one day I can bring some of my vintage tutus here, if they have enough space!

I just have to say, a huge thank you to everyone who has left such lovely comments on my pink-tutu.com site! You really made me smile! And I would be remiss if I didn’t shout out a special thank you to my mum, who's my biggest supporter, for giving me the confidence to take this leap of faith. You see, it was she, with her passion for the arts, who introduced me to ballet from an early age! The rest, as they say, is history!

As I reflect on my whirlwind Nuneaton day, it reminds me that life is truly an enchanting ballet. Every experience, from the elegant charm of the town’s history to the captivating beauty of a fleeting glimpse of a fox, paints a picture of grace and elegance, just like a ballet performance. Remember to make time for the small things that bring you joy, like me and my pink tutus! After all, that’s what life’s all about!

Keep dancing darlings! And be sure to stop by my site, www.pink-tutu.com , where I’ll be sharing more photos from my Nuneaton escapade, plus a few tips for your own town adventures.

Love and light,

Emma xo

#TutuBlog 1998-02-07 in Nuneaton with a yellow tutu.