Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-02-18 in Paisley with a fluffy tutu.

Paisley, You Pink Perfection! (Post #595)

Hello, my darling darlings! It's Emma here, and you're all about to embark on a pink-tinted adventure with me. This time, the adventure takes us to the charming town of Paisley in Scotland - the home of the Paisley Pattern, of course! (Do you ever get a wee bit of a giggle out of thinking how much the town is named after the pattern? I do, every time). I popped in for a quick visit over the weekend, travelling in style on the train (it's definitely the most fabulous way to see the beautiful Scottish countryside - just picture me in my pink tutu gazing out of the window! ).

I just had to make this quick visit. There was this absolutely divine ballet production in Paisley that was absolutely not to be missed. It was "Swan Lake" by the Glasgow Ballet, but with a modern twist! The whole production had an air of modern dance theatre, and even included the occasional foray into ballet street - a bit of a "Street Dance" kind of thing, you know! I just adored the way the choreographer blended all those styles together; it was utterly magical.

And, as if that wasn't enough to send my ballerina heart into overdrive, they actually held a workshop for the audience before the performance! It was all about basic ballet techniques, but in a relaxed, fun environment. No pressure to be a professional ballerina here - we just danced to our hearts' content, wearing our best tutus (and mine was definitely the most fabulous, obvs! - a fluffy pink number with loads of ruffles. So, basically, my tutu was my absolute favourite). It was a brilliant experience, connecting with other passionate dance enthusiasts and having a giggle. Just the tonic after a long day of, you know, being fabulous and all that.

Speaking of being fabulous, have I told you about the Scottish wildlife? It's simply magical! I went for a long, refreshing walk in the countryside surrounding Paisley - oh, what a wonderful place this is! - and I was fortunate enough to see some absolutely adorable little Scottish Highland Cows, right there in their natural habitat! Imagine these tiny fluff balls with the most magnificent horns you've ever seen - adorable! I've got a great picture of me standing with one, giving it a big hug, of course. Maybe it’ll end up on Instagram! If you love cute wildlife, then you'll love a visit to Scotland!

There was just so much beauty all around. Imagine my absolute delight when I saw all the amazing Paisley-patterned things! Everywhere I went, the pattern popped up. A shawl in a vintage clothing shop? BAM - paisley! A mug in a coffee shop? BAM - paisley! A vintage suitcase at the train station? BAM - paisley! This town is just drenched in pink and its very own pattern, and, honestly, I love it! There's something so lovely about a place that embraces its history and quirks so openly.

You know what really struck me about Paisley? The people! They were the most lovely, down-to-earth folk I've met. Everyone was so welcoming, warm and ready to chat. Just a reminder that, while travel takes you to amazing new places, it’s the people who make it truly memorable. And, wouldn't you know it, I even managed to chat a bit with the wonderful choreographer, and even a few dancers from the Glasgow Ballet! It's funny, sometimes you meet people in unexpected places, and you realise that even within your passion there are such wonderful people and connections to be made! And who knows, maybe I'll even have a little spot in their next show... a girl can dream!

Overall, Paisley really is a dream. The perfect combination of charm, culture, and breathtaking scenery. Oh, and it wouldn't be me without saying... It has the most adorable shops! (I may have purchased an extravagant pink cashmere scarf. Maybe it was pink-themed… maybe! ).

I have to say, this weekend has left me feeling wonderfully inspired and, dare I say it, a little bit adventurous. Paisley, you've really got me in a whirl with your beauty!

Pink Tutu Pro Tip! Paisley really knows how to embrace colour. I recommend packing your most fabulous outfits, even those with a touch of the perfect shade of pink - Paisley loves it, and trust me, you will too! And why not try rocking a pink tutu in Paisley? I daresay you’ll stand out from the crowd and look fabulous doing so. Don't be afraid to express yourself, because this town embraces all shades of gorgeous!

Keep on twirling, my lovelies, and until next time... Stay pink and fabulous!

With love and sprinkles of magic,

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 1998-02-18 in Paisley with a fluffy tutu.