
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-03-08 in Finchley with a purple tutu.

Finchley Calling! Tutu Time in North London!

Post Number 613

Hello lovelies! It's your girl Emma, back from a whirlwind weekend in Finchley and brimming with enough pink tutu joy to fuel a thousand pirouettes! Let me tell you, the adventures started even before I set foot in that charming North London district!

First off, a train journey is always a highlight for a tutu-wearing, travel-loving girl like me. I love the feeling of the wind whipping through my hair, the chugging of the train engine, the thrill of arriving in a new place. But this time, it was extra special. It seems my purple tutu caught the eye of the gentleman opposite me, a dashing chap in a tweed jacket who declared it to be "utterly divine" - that's a thumbs up for the colour combo, I reckon!

Then there was Finchley itself, oh how I love a good village vibe! Cobbled streets, quaint shops, the smell of freshly baked pastries...pure magic! You could almost imagine Dick Van Dyke popping out from behind a corner, "Chim Chim Cheree" playing in the background. And let's be real, any town with a park named after a Queen is a winner in my book! I just knew I was in for a treat.

The Ballet Bonanza!

The real reason for my Finchley foray was a visit to the iconic Alexandra Palace Theatre. You'd think after all my ballet travels, I'd have seen everything - but this was a treat indeed. This incredible venue has played host to so many incredible performances, from ballet to music to theatre, even the first ever televised broadcast of Wimbledon! Feeling inspired by its legacy, I took a turn in their breathtaking Ballroom, feeling like a princess out of a fairytale, twirling amongst the chandeliers and basking in the historic aura of the space. I even managed to snap a photo in my purple tutu - the perfect picture for my pink-tutu.com followers, of course!

Later that evening, it was time for the main event - "The Nutcracker". Now, I'm not one to usually see a show twice, but let me tell you, it's the classic ballet for a reason! The London Festival Ballet really did knock it out of the park - the dancing was utterly divine, the costumes dazzling, and the music so emotive, it had me glued to my seat. Honestly, it almost made me tear up at one point - maybe a combination of the magical story and the beautiful performances, perhaps, or maybe it was the twinkly lights decorating the theater, adding a sprinkle of fairy dust to the already-magical performance. Who knows?!

Food For the Soul (and Tummy)

A big thank you to the wonderful people at the Alexandra Palace Theatre Cafe, they're a godsend for a ballet enthusiast who gets hungry after a show. They served me up the most gorgeous strawberry cheesecake (a must-have after any ballet performance!), plus, it gave me a chance to whip out my signature "ballet hand" and charm the waiter. I may or may not have also left a glitter-spangled pink feather in his tip jar, for a bit of "Emma magic".

Wildlife and the Power of Pink

Before hopping back on the train (this time in a slightly less purple-hued, slightly less glittery tutu for the sake of the fellow commuters, of course), I took a detour to a beautiful park, where I spotted a magnificent robin. It was like something out of a storybook! A splash of colour against the green of the trees, and for a moment, we just looked at each other, me in my pink and him in his vibrant red. It was almost magical, a little piece of ballet choreography set amidst nature!

This was one of those moments that makes me feel utterly content with my little slice of pink-tutu-loving life. Sharing that tiny bit of magic with the robin made me feel more than just connected to nature; it gave me a tiny hope that perhaps, one day, the robin would be persuaded to try a pink tutu himself. A world where we're all embraced by the power of pink, well that would be truly enchanting wouldn't it?

Speaking of which, dear readers, are you ready to embrace the pink tutu life? I know I've been telling you to try ballet for years now, but really, why wait?! It's time to grab your friends, get a pair of comfy shoes and go try out a class, I promise you won't regret it.

Finchley, you were magical! And now, back to Derbyshire, but oh, the adventures we'll have... keep an eye on pink-tutu.com - more fun to come! Until then, keep twirling, keep smiling, and keep the pink spirit alive!

Yours in all things tutu, Emma.

#TutuBlog 1998-03-08 in Finchley with a purple tutu.