Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-03-14 in Hornchurch with a cheap tutu.

TutuBlog #619: Hornchurch Ballet Bonanza in a Bargain Tutu!

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-toting ballerina, Emma, here, reporting live from…well, let me tell you about the journey first!

I had to go to Hornchurch. My darling, darling friend Fiona’s sister’s cousin is getting married there. The thing is, it's in Essex! Honestly, Essex just feels so far away, even when the train ride only takes a couple of hours. I am, of course, a Derbyshire lass at heart, and we like things slow and steady - and a little more, shall we say, traditional in Derbyshire! It's not every day I’m heading to a wedding that isn't a vicar-led ceremony followed by afternoon tea and a buffet! Oh, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited!

Speaking of excitement, I had to make a pitstop on the way to grab a new tutu. I saw this absolute bargain in a charity shop. A deep, deep pink, practically a shocking pink! Perfect! It's so pretty! My wardrobe is in desperate need of a serious update! I think a few pink, maybe some blush pinks, and maybe even a couple of lavender tutus, would go very well with all my lovely white ones! It wouldn't be a "tutu blog" without a new tutu, would it? Oh! And talking about a serious update I’m desperate for new leotards! These have done so much service, but honestly, they are starting to look like I used them for an Olympic rhythmic gymnastics event, rather than ballet!

But anyway, back to Hornchurch, I'm so excited to meet the other half of the happy couple! (Honestly, they must be so lucky in love. To have been chosen! And to get a dress and suit that are probably more gorgeous than all the wedding gifts. I mean, what do you get people that are truly in love?). Anyway, they look adorable. Honestly, their wedding photo is truly lovely!

Speaking of adorable, the train journey had the most lovely little things in it: First, a rather posh grey and black cat in a basket by my side! Now, cats are a no-go in the studio, of course! You need all your attention on the barre, and you wouldn’t want to cause any disruption, darling. A cat would be just a tiny bit distracting! However, a perfectly poised cat on a train, well that is so perfectly suited for the carriage journey that it was truly a delight. And it didn't make a single noise! Imagine if we had that at a ballet show! No amount of practice could truly calm a cat during a show. And we'd likely all be distracted by it. This train cat is a lesson for us all, to be calm!

Then, at a station stop, a family came on with three beautiful dogs. They looked like Labradors - but it was definitely black and gold for them! Oh, and they were a little more chaotic, bouncing and bounding all over the train! It is worth saying, though, that the family was lovely! Such well-behaved dogs. Even when their leash caught on my handbag and dragged my lipstick down from my bag into the station!

At least I was prepared! My emergency lipstick case always has back up and also has hair bobbles! This time it had a backup of the very same pink as the one I was wearing. Perfect! But I also always travel with hairspray, so when I sat down again in my seat on the train after chasing the lost lipstick across the platform - there it was in all it's pink glory - it was easy enough to keep the handbag safe!

I arrived at Hornchurch Station and Fiona was already there waiting for me! What a darling! We had the loveliest tea at the station buffet, and even bought a box of pink macarons to share, obviously. They were beautiful! Such pretty pastels with gold designs! The macarons weren't too sweet - more a delicate taste, and with a real bite! Perfect with a cuppa, really, so they were just lovely.

Then, Fiona, the darling, took me on a little sightseeing tour. Such sweet, pretty houses, oh darling. You wouldn’t find houses like that anywhere near where I am from. Oh! And so many sweet, sweet pink roses! I must find out the name of them to get some for my window box. If you've read TutuBlog for long, you'll know I always try to make my little front garden into the cutest pink and pastel place - the perfect little welcome for anyone passing. And even though we were already having a most excellent trip, we managed to bump into my friend Lucy and her adorable family. The sweetest kids ever! Oh darling, and what are we, girls? Perfect age. The first has to be no more than six. That makes her just the right age to learn to be a ballerina. And there was just enough space in her little floral romper and flower head wreath to add a sweet, pink tutu! She’ll look adorable - just like my favourite little dance studio students back in Derbyshire! She'd fit right in, wouldn’t she?!

Anyway, so, Hornchurch, was the most fun! It feels good to spend some time on the road every now and then. And as much as I love our quaint little Derbyshire town, getting to have an adventure like this? Well, this just takes the caked! We had the loveliest day. We had an incredible view over the lovely little gardens - it’s like they almost touch the clouds and they're absolutely gorgeous! Fiona told me the wedding reception was to be held overlooking a beautiful English rose garden. Isn’t that simply lovely? I almost wish I was the one getting married. * Almost*.

You’ll all just have to imagine my amazing day! All that extra time on the train allowed me time to reflect on the truly incredible performances we have at the moment in London. The dancers are fantastic, it’s all so incredible right now, isn’t it! I hope to catch the next Ballet, Opera and Theatre, too! The more you learn about it, the better, no? Even the tickets are always sold out and you have to book them so long in advance! But, when a perfect tutu outfit goes perfectly well with a stunning performance? Oh darling, it's so very worth it, and this one was worth more than just that - but you’ll have to wait for next week’s blog for that special day out!

Well darlings, it's getting late and I have a wedding to go to in the morning! I'd love to know what you've been up to this week. And remember! Let’s all make this the year of the pink tutu, alright?! If you’re going to an event where you’d be tempted by a tutu or a fabulous ballgown, go for it darling! I love seeing so many ladies in their lovely outfits. You don't have to be a ballerina, or in my world, to wear it, but when you do dance in it… Darling, it really brings the magic to your life, doesn’t it! Until next week darlings, let's live it up!

Yours in tutus and tea,


#TutuBlog 1998-03-14 in Hornchurch with a cheap tutu.