Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-03-28 in Edgware with a bright pink tutu.

Edgware in a Bright Pink Tutu - Post 633

Oh, hello my darlings! It’s Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure, and ready to spill the pinkest of tea about my latest escapade. This week has been a bit of a whirlwind, a beautiful, twirling, and ever-so-slightly pink whirlwind, if I may say so myself! It all started with a spontaneous journey to Edgware…by train, naturally! I can’t resist the charm of the steam engines and the way the wind whips through my hair as I lean out of the window.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, Edgware? A bit of a strange choice, right? But let me tell you, my dears, it was anything but! My dear friend Amelia (she’s the one with the emerald green tutu that just sings when she pirouettes!) had booked us tickets to a ballet performance at a local theatre there, and I simply couldn't resist the chance to don my favourite bright pink tutu and see the world through a shimmering, rose-tinted lens.

This time, I opted for my new "Petal Power" tutu, a beautiful, airy creation made with layers upon layers of shimmering tulle. It twirls so beautifully and I swear, I could have danced the whole night away with just the sway of the train! Speaking of which, let’s just say the journey was full of surprises. First, a very talkative gentleman in a top hat sat across from us and insisted on telling us his whole life story. Let's just say it involved a few questionable encounters with an otter and a rogue hot air balloon (I know, bonkers!), but he was full of character and it definitely made the train journey a little bit more... lively!

When we arrived at Edgware, the weather was simply divine! A crisp, clear autumnal day with the sun dipping towards the horizon, turning the sky into a canvas of peach and lavender. It felt so surreal. Amelia and I spent some time in the local park before the performance, trying to master some impromptu choreography using the benches as our stage and the autumn leaves as our props. A couple of joggers stared, perhaps wondering why two perfectly respectable young ladies were pretending to be fairies and leaping around a park! But hey, they weren't wearing tutus, were they? And let's be honest, life is far too short to take yourself too seriously.

Speaking of seriously, the performance that night was truly breathtaking! It was a retelling of "The Sleeping Beauty" with a modern twist. They even had a ballerina who did a triple pirouette in a shimmering pink tutu that caught the light just like mine! The costumes were fantastic, and the choreography was so fluid, it felt like the dancers were floating on air. We were mesmerized by their grace and skill, their every movement an inspiration. Amelia and I left the theatre feeling completely enchanted, already plotting our next theatrical escapade.

The next morning, we woke up to a chorus of birdsong and a golden sunrise peeping through our window. Amelia insisted on trying some local "Edgware Pancakes", but let's just say they weren’t quite the culinary masterpiece I'd hoped for. Fortunately, I had packed a picnic, and we found the perfect spot on the edge of a lovely meadow, surrounded by the most gorgeous wildflowers and whispering reeds.

We sat beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient oak, indulging in fresh pastries, berries, and our favourite pink tea (which, of course, I always carry in my ballet bag). We spent the morning in blissful repose, watching a playful family of squirrels scampering about and a pair of swans gliding across a nearby pond. There was something almost magical about that afternoon, and we were utterly captivated by the simplicity of the moment.

Then, a spark of inspiration struck! We decided to continue our dance adventure by walking the "Edgware Path," a lovely wooded trail winding through the nearby countryside. And what better way to make our journey feel like something out of a fairy tale than to twirl? We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring hidden pathways, giggling as we danced through the fallen leaves, stopping to marvel at the beauty of the surrounding nature.

The countryside here is unlike anything I've ever seen! Imagine rolling hills, wildflower meadows that go on forever, and towering trees whispering ancient secrets. And while it’s not quite my beloved Derbyshire countryside with its rugged beauty and hidden waterfalls, it definitely had its own unique charm.

On our way back to the train station, we saw a beautiful brown horse grazing peacefully in a paddock. And there was Amelia, unable to resist a gentle pat on its soft, furry nose. That, dear readers, was a moment we won't soon forget. Sometimes, you know, life takes you to unexpected places, and sometimes, the greatest adventures come with a side of pink tea and a little bit of wild enchantment.

That evening, we left Edgware with a chorus of goodbye-chimes echoing in our ears and a memory of dancing through autumn leaves forever imprinted on our hearts. As the sun dipped below the horizon and the train chugged its way back home, I could only smile and say, "Oh, thank you, pink tutu! You’ve once again shown me a world filled with beauty, wonder, and of course, a whole lot of pink!"

Remember, my dears, life is too short to take yourself too seriously! Put on a pink tutu, twirl to your heart's content, and embrace the world with open arms. Every day is an opportunity for a new adventure! Until next time, my loves, keep dancing and keep shining!

With a flourish,



#TutuBlog 1998-03-28 in Edgware with a bright pink tutu.