
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-05-10 in Merthyr Tudful with a white tutu.

Merthyr Tydfil - Tutu Time! (Post #676)

Hey darlings! It's Emma here, and guess what?! I'm back on the blog with a brand new adventure, straight from the heart of Wales! Can you believe it's already May? Where did the time go? It feels like yesterday I was prancing around in the snowdrifts of Derbyshire, dreaming of warmer days and blossoming pink blooms. Well, those days have definitely arrived, and with them came the chance to pack my trusty pink tutu and head for a weekend getaway.

Now, if you know me, you know I'm a huge fan of a good train journey. There's something so charming about sitting back, enjoying the scenery (and a few miniature pink macarons from the trolley), and feeling the rhythm of the rails as you go. So, after a farewell wave to my little corner of Derbyshire, I boarded a train to Merthyr Tydfil - a town in the heart of South Wales known for its stunning landscape and friendly locals.

Let me tell you, arriving in Merthyr Tydfil was a true delight! As soon as I stepped out of the station, I was greeted with rolling hills, vibrant green valleys, and the warmest welcome from a fellow ballerina. She recognised my tutu, bless her! We had a right chinwag, chatting about our love of ballet, and she even offered to show me some of the hidden gems of the town.

Turns out, Merthyr Tydfil is a secret haven for the arts! There's this lovely community theatre tucked away in a beautiful Victorian building. I simply had to have a little peek, and guess what? They're staging a production of "Swan Lake" next month! Now, I can't wait to see the majestic swans gracefully glide across the stage, dressed in their feathery tutus, just like my own!

We even stumbled upon a little ballet school nestled in a quaint courtyard. You wouldn't believe it, but they had a beginner's class open to the public! Naturally, I had to join in, and it was truly divine! The instructor, a charismatic gentleman named Owen, was an absolute dream. He guided us through some lovely, fluid stretches and showed us how to execute those elegant arabesques that always bring a little extra je ne sais quoi to my performances. I even got to practise a couple of pirouettes, much to the delight of the other students! It felt wonderful to be back in a class environment, surrounded by people who share the same passion for ballet as I do.

Of course, no trip to Wales is complete without a little dose of the local wildlife! On our way to a traditional Welsh pub (naturally, with pink decorations!) we stumbled upon a little herd of horses grazing in the fields. I mean, seriously, have you ever seen creatures so beautiful? Those magnificent tails swishing, the graceful movement of their limbs... they were just a picture perfect postcard, a perfect little ballet in motion! I managed to snap a couple of shots, of course, for my "Pink Tutu and Nature" collection. Just wait until you see them on Instagram!

After a hearty dinner (a delicious lamb stew that warmed me right to the core!), Owen gave me the best tour of the local area. We explored the bustling market, marvelled at the old ironworks, and even visited a fascinating museum dedicated to Welsh history. The sheer beauty of the mountains and the historical significance of this area is truly remarkable! It makes me think... how fantastic would it be to stage a ballet show with the rolling hills as a backdrop? Imagine all those twinkling lights reflecting off the mountains and a full moon casting its spell over the scene. Maybe we'll be staging an impromptu performance one day, just a crazy ballerina and her pink tutu under the Welsh skies.

So, here's my top tip for the day: If you're feeling a bit adventurous and want to discover a hidden treasure, look no further than Merthyr Tydfil! It's a town with heart and soul, brimming with history and brimming with a beautiful community of friendly people. I dare say, you'll even find the odd horse or two out for a graze!

Remember, lovelies, life is a ballet! Keep moving, keep dancing, and always remember: wear your pink tutus with pride! I'll be back soon with another story from my adventures.

Until then, stay fabulous!

Lots of love,



#TutuBlog 1998-05-10 in Merthyr Tudful with a white tutu.