
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-05-13 in Fareham with a cyan tutu.

Fareham Fling: Tutu Tales & Train Trails (Post #679)

Hello darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, back with another whirlwind update from my pink-tutu-infused life! Today's adventure whisked me away from the Derbyshire hills and into the charming coastal town of Fareham.

Now, Fareham may not be the first place that pops into your head when thinking of ballet, but trust me, it's a hidden gem! This trip was a double-whammy of excitement, with a delightful mix of ballet bliss and breathtaking nature.

Letā€™s start with the tutu. I decided on a splash of cerulean this time - a shimmering, almost ethereal cyan tutu that I knew would turn heads. Paired with a pearly pink top (my signature colour, you know!) and a smattering of silver glitter on my cheeks, I felt ready to twirl right into the heart of Fareham's artistic soul!

My journey began with a thrilling train ride - the kind with huge picture windows that frame rolling fields and the glittering coastline. It's these moments that make my heart sing - that feeling of freedom as you speed across the country, the world unfolding before you. And trust me, my pink tutu was not lost in the anonymity of the carriage; it was an instant conversation starter. A little boy couldn't stop giggling, his mother whispering about "that beautiful dancer." Itā€™s moments like these that make my job, er, hobby? life purpose? - it's what makes it all worthwhile!

Ballet By the Sea:

My first stop was Fareham's magnificent "The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre" - a truly breathtaking space, blending contemporary architecture with a warm, welcoming ambiance. This is where the magic truly began.

The show I saw, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" ā€“ ballet with a Shakespearian twist, was exquisite! The set was dazzling, the choreography ethereal, and the costumesā€¦ oh, the costumes! Imagine sparkling gowns, intricate wings, and graceful, almost mystical fairies dancing under the watchful eyes of the woodland creatures.

After the show, I lingered, basking in the lingering applause and that magical, post-ballet high. The other dancers were such lovely souls ā€“ we chatted about our love of dance and the joys of traveling, comparing notes about favourite studios and dream roles. My fellow ballet enthusiast, if you are ever in Fareham, be sure to check out "The Spring" ā€“ they offer regular dance performances, workshops, and even a fantastic cafe with the most delicious vegan cakes.

Wildlife Wonders:

No trip to the coast is complete without a spot of wildlife-watching! I spent the afternoon wandering through Farehamā€™s sprawling nature reserves, home to an astonishing array of birds, flitting between lush greenery and tranquil waters. It was so calming to see herons perched patiently, seagulls soaring overhead, and the tiny, bright flitting of kingfishers! I captured a few photos, which you can see on the Pink-Tutu.com blog - check out the latest update for all the snaps!

But my true wildlife adventure started as I strolled towards the shore, eager for the sea breeze on my face. Suddenly, a flock of oystercatchers came darting down from the sky, landing playfully near me. They were such cheeky creatures, strutting around with their long orange beaks, as if they were in charge. They actually gave me quite the scare at first ā€“ Iā€™m so used to meeting sheep, but not a whole pack of noisy oystercatchers! I even tried to feed them a piece of my pink-tutu-themed cupcake, but they decided I wasnā€™t worthy ā€“ so rude, I know! But in retrospect, itā€™s hilarious to picture myself trying to befriend a flock of sea birds, covered in sugar-laced frosting.

Farehamā€™s Fairy Tale Finish:

As the day came to a close, I couldn't resist ending on a high. I found the most delightful little tea room called ā€œThe Mad Hatterā€ ā€“ aptly named for its delightfully quirky charm. Itā€™s tucked away on a quiet cobbled street, and I just had to sit outside on the cute little balcony to savour a pot of their fragrant herbal tea (pink-tutu approved, naturally).

While I sipped my tea, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, a thought occurred to me: Fareham isn't just about ballet and wildlife, it's about experiencing a town steeped in history and charm, embracing the beauty of the coastline and simply taking a moment to enjoy life. I left feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to spread a little pink tutu magic back in my own Derbyshire village.

Pink Tutu Manifesto (Pt.679):

I've learned a few things on my journey. Life, like a well-executed pirouette, is about taking a chance, embracing the unexpected and spinning your way into beautiful new experiences. Fareham, you've stolen a piece of my heart. So, darlings, embrace the pink-tutu lifestyle! Get your twirls on, donā€™t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and enjoy the journey.

Until next time, twirl happily,

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 1998-05-13 in Fareham with a cyan tutu.