Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-05-31 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.

Arnold Adventures: Fairy-tale Tutu and Pink Power!

Post #697 - 31st May 1998

Oh my darlings, you wouldn't believe the adventure I've had today! I'm feeling so inspired, it's almost bursting out of me, and the only way to let it flow is through the magic of www.pink-tutu.com!

My trusty steed, (the 12.35 from Derby, bless her metal wheels!), deposited me right in the heart of Arnold, a charming little town tucked away in the East Midlands. You know I adore exploring hidden corners of our lovely country, and Arnold definitely feels like one of those. It's the sort of place that whispers forgotten stories, and that's music to my ears - or should I say, the perfect sound for a delicate twirl of a pink tutu?

Now, I have to admit, I arrived with a very specific plan in mind: to bring a bit of fairy-tale magic to the day! Imagine my excitement when I found the most perfectly whimsical little shop - a veritable wonderland of ribbons, feathers, sequins, and all things glitter! This is where my fairytale tutu dream took flight - the sort of confection that would make even a fairy queen swoon. Picture this: layers and layers of tulle, the lightest shade of pink you've ever seen, embellished with tiny silk flowers and shimmering beads, all tied with a big, fluffy pink bow. The absolute epitome of a whimsical ballet princess!

The shop owner, a delightful woman with a smile that could melt glaciers, took one look at me and said, "You need this. You NEED this!" Well, she wasn't wrong, was she? The tutu practically begged to be twirled and danced in, and believe me, it did not disappoint!

As soon as I donned the magic tutu, I felt the streets of Arnold come alive with the kind of enchantment only a true ballerina knows. There were giggling children on the green, the birds chirped a sweet little song, and the sun felt a little brighter - maybe that's what the power of a pink tutu does for the soul, I'm not quite sure.

I did, however, find myself in a small theatre that had a rather intriguing poster stuck to its doors - it was a vintage poster of a ballet company called 'The Rose Ballet'. Now, it’s just impossible for me to pass up a vintage ballet poster, especially one that features a single pink rose – how utterly symbolic! It was like the Universe was giving me a little sign, telling me I'm on the right track. It seems my fairytale tutu adventure had led me to the right place.

Although the theatre was closed today, the doors are set to open again tomorrow, so of course, I've made a mental note to pop back in for a look around. Imagine - a whole theatre dedicated to the art of ballet, here in this sweet little town, completely off the radar, well almost!

The sun is beginning to set and, though I could happily lose myself in Arnold's charm forever, it's time to make my way back home.

I bid you all a lovely evening and will keep you updated tomorrow. And darling, if you’ve ever dreamed of twirling in a pink tutu, my advice is go for it! This whole day has just reinforced my motto - never let life be a boring dress rehearsal, wear a pink tutu, dance it out! Until tomorrow my dears, let the dance of life begin!


I nearly forgot to mention - Arnold's been an absolute delight for my love of nature too. A little woodland walk led me to a breathtaking field of wildflowers, and there, on the way back, I saw the most gorgeous grey squirrel, a fluffy bundle of adorable-ness, doing his bit for the ballet world - it’s clearly “audition time” for the wildlife - watch out ‘Strictly Come Dancing’! I couldn't help but give it a little twirl myself - you know how I love to add a little something to nature's show!

*Until next time my sweet darlings! *

* Emma x*

#TutuBlog 1998-05-31 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.