Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-06-07 in Llanelli with a german tutu.

Llanelli: A Tutu Tale and a Pink Pony Ride! (Post #707)

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure! This time, I traded my usual Derbyshire hills for the charming seaside town of Llanelli in Wales. It’s a little less “pink pony ride through the fields” than usual, but trust me, it was an absolute dream!

Let’s start with the highlight: I got to try out this fantastic new pink tutu I bought from a sweet little shop in Bath. It’s German, you see, so the quality is divine. Think gossamer, swirling silk with delicate, hand-painted floral motifs that just…glow under the stage lights. Honestly, I couldn't resist snapping a couple of photos with the lovely ladies at the local dance academy, the "Llanelli Ballet Studio." Such a welcoming bunch! And of course, I had to treat myself to some Welsh tea after, served in pretty bone china with the sweetest biscuits you’ve ever tasted.

Speaking of dancing, you’ll never guess who I met while I was there! This incredibly talented young dancer, Megan, just finished a year with the Welsh Ballet Company. She’s a total natural – all long limbs, flowing movements, and grace like a willow tree swaying in the wind. We had a lovely chat about everything ballet – she even told me a hilarious story about accidentally kicking a chandelier during a rehearsal…not that she actually kicked it… But I digress. 😉

We talked for ages, and even got a quick workout in the studio. It’s not always about fancy shoes and glittery costumes, darling. Sometimes, the most beautiful ballet happens in the simplest setting – like a cozy studio with dusty barres and mirrors covered in motivational quotes.

Anyway, after I swooned over Megan's stories about life in the ballet world, I took a delightful horse-drawn carriage ride through Llanelli. It was such a perfect way to enjoy the sights of this quaint little town. And yes, darling, the horse was even wearing a little pink flower garland - very fitting, I’d say! The air smelled so fresh and sweet, and all I could see was the lovely seaside landscape bathed in sunshine. Such a perfect backdrop to a relaxing day out!

Speaking of pink, it’s pretty much taken over the seaside in Llanelli! Not the typical vibrant fuchsia, though… more like the delicate pink of seashells and flamingo feathers. And if you go during the summer, it’s the most beautiful sunset. Just think – pink sky, golden sand, a shimmering sea... a true artist’s dream, right?

The rest of my time in Llanelli was a whirlwind of lovely surprises – discovering a charming vintage shop with dreamy lace blouses and the prettiest floral prints; sipping hot chocolate by the harbour while watching a family of ducks waddle past; even enjoying a delicious freshly-caught crab sandwich! Oh, darling, it’s no wonder they call Wales “the land of castles and dreams!”

Honestly, you could write an entire encyclopedia about everything that Llanelli has to offer. But, if you're ever looking for an excuse to slip into your pink tutu and do some exploring, this charming seaside town should be top of your list! It's a hidden gem – one you definitely need to add to your list, even if it means swapping those pink-pony rides in Derbyshire for a scenic carriage ride!

Until next time, lovelies,

Stay pink! 💖 Emma


#TutuBlog 1998-06-07 in Llanelli with a german tutu.