
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-06-10 in Whitley Bay with a yellow tutu.

Whitley Bay: Where the Seagulls Wear Pink! (Post #707)

Hello my darling darlings! Emma here, fresh off the train from a sunny Derbyshire morning and into the cool, salty air of Whitley Bay. Can you believe it? June, already! Time really does fly when you're twirling, doesn't it?

This week, I'm feeling a little bit extra sassy - that new leotard has a lot to answer for, you know? (Pink, of course!) And I figured, what better way to channel this energy than to pack my yellow tutu (perfect for a sunny day by the sea, don't you think?) and head for the North East coast.

My journey was a delightful one, just me and the scenery, a glass of fizz and my trusty book. Nothing beats watching the countryside whizz by from a train window, feeling the wind in my hair. It reminds me of those childhood journeys to see my Gran, where I'd imagine myself as a ballet dancer, gliding gracefully through the fields instead of crammed in a stuffy carriage. Dreams do come true, right? Now, I actually get to fly, figuratively at least!

Arriving in Whitley Bay felt like stepping into a postcard. The beach, all golden sand and sparkling water, is just as magical as it looks in photos. But it's the smell that really gets me - salty, crisp air with a touch of seaside sweet. It's enough to make any girl, ballerina or not, want to skip and twirl along the promenade!

Speaking of which, I couldn't resist a twirl (or two or twenty) on the promenade itself, a perfect spot for an impromptu photo shoot. Yellow tutu against the backdrop of the pier, the blue skies above, the waves crashing in the background โ€“ absolute perfection! I'm pretty sure some of the seagulls stopped to take a peek (probably eyeing my hairbow, those cheeky things). Maybe they were inspired by the pink tutu theme and getting into the mood for a whimsical beachside dance. I mean, wouldn't it be fantastic to see flocks of pink-clad seagulls flying across the sky?

Later, I ventured onto the sands. Feeling the warmth under my bare feet (thank heavens for sunshine in June!), I took a moment to admire the waves rolling in. They're like little ripples of energy, dancing and swirling - much like ballet itself. You know, I think a ballet company would look incredible performing right on this beach. Can you imagine a scene with dancers in pale pink tutus, against the vibrant orange of the sunset, with the sound of the sea and the gulls in the background? It's simply divine.

Speaking of divine, I had a glorious afternoon at the local tea room. The cakes were just as impressive as the scenery, and let me tell you, they were heavenly! But honestly, I'm still daydreaming about the most beautiful bouquet of pink lilies I saw at the florist shop. Their vibrant colours reminded me so much of those special tutus, you know, the ones that make you feel like a princess in a magical kingdom. It's the little details, really!

Now, after a day filled with twirls and seaside dreams, I'm sitting on the balcony of my hotel room, the sound of the sea gently lulling me. Tonight, I'll be visiting the Theatre Royal for a stunning ballet performance, the highlight of my trip. (I've heard they even have a special discount for tutu wearers!)

But one thing is for certain: my heart will always belong to the pink tutu. It's the symbol of everything I love: elegance, grace, a little bit of sparkle, and most importantly, the power to inspire joy.

And if I can inspire just one person to try ballet or even slip on a pink tutu, I've achieved my mission for the day!

So, join me on this journey, darlings. Don't be afraid to embrace the pink, to twirl and feel the magic. Life is too short for drab outfits and dreary days. Let's make the world a more pink and sparkly place, one tutu at a time.

Until tomorrow, my dear readers, keep your chin up, your smiles wide, and your tutus ready to twirl!


Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 1998-06-10 in Whitley Bay with a yellow tutu.