Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-07-06 in Pontypridd with a feather tutu.

Pontypridd: Feathers, Frou Frou, and a Fine Time! (Blog Post #733)

Hey darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Pontypridd in Wales!

You know I love to flit about like a butterfly, and this week, it felt like I was fluttering my way right into a fairytale! A friend of mine, a lovely lady named Gwen, told me about this gorgeous little theater in Pontypridd called the Muni. It's all plush velvet seats and stained glass, and it truly does feel like stepping back in time. Now, I have to say, trains and ponies are my usual mode of travel. But when it comes to a proper show, I do love a good old train journey! The chugging rhythm just sets the mood right for a ballet fan like me.

Oh, and did I tell you about my outfit? I couldn't resist bringing my fabulous feather tutu to Pontypridd. Pink, of course! The feathers were just a little bit wild, just like me! Gwen thought I looked like a fairy princess, which, let's be honest, is a compliment I always take to heart.

I went to see a little performance at the Muni, nothing too serious, just some lighthearted dance theatre with a bit of local storytelling thrown in. You know, like finding treasures and dancing on rainbows and all that good stuff! Now, I'm not saying I didn't tear up at a few bits. Ballet and good storytelling just get me every time!

There were even some gorgeous Welsh folk tunes to listen to. You'd think they'd been written specifically for twirling, the way my feet went when they started playing! I even spied some young ones in the audience who seemed to be absolutely captivated. Maybe it'll inspire some of them to try a little twirl themselves? That's my aim in life, you know! Getting everyone to get pink tutu-licious and discover the magic of dance!

But it wasn't all about the dancing! Pontypridd is just a beautiful place to wander. We went to the nearby Rhondda Fach Valley and took a little hike. Honestly, I felt like a scene straight out of "The Secret Garden". The green hills and lush trees were stunning, and Gwen pointed out some beautiful waterfalls hiding away. Oh, the birdsong was divine!

There's just something about the fresh air and those amazing natural sights that makes you feel so alive. It’s actually amazing how a day of ballet and a little walk can completely refresh your spirit!

Speaking of fresh air, we spotted some Welsh Black cattle grazing on a hillside, looking completely at home in the wild setting. The cheeky little buggers even seemed to be watching our every move! I can't help but get a little excited about wildlife. Just thinking about those little creatures hopping around or running around makes me feel happy.

We ended our afternoon in a local café with the most delicious home-made cake (definitely not pink, sadly). I have to admit, even I need to take a break from my pink obsession once in a while.

Now, back to reality! The trip back on the train was full of dreamy ideas for a new post on my website, "Pink Tutu". I’m definitely going to write about Pontypridd! There’s just something about that charming, traditional theatre and those majestic hills... it felt like a time capsule!

So, what have you been up to, darlings? Any exciting dance shows, walks in nature or scrumptious cakes to report? I'd love to hear! Until next time, keep on twirling!

Love and sparkly shoes,


#TutuBlog 1998-07-06 in Pontypridd with a feather tutu.