Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-07-08 in Dover with a fairy themed tutu.

Dover Dreams: A Tutu-tiful Time By The Sea

Post #735

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back from my fabulous trip to Dover, a little slice of seaside heaven in Kent! I must say, this post is extra special because I had a tutu just made for this trip – and let me tell you, it was just divine! Think a glorious, flowing cloud of soft pink tulle with little shimmering fairy wings attached. So, grab a cuppa, sit back and let me share this whimsical adventure with you.

I always find something so charming about travelling by train. Watching the countryside fly past, with its fields of sunflowers and sleepy villages, never fails to lift my spirits. The carriage I was in felt like a little haven, all decked out in soft floral fabrics with plush seating. Plus, who can resist a delicious bacon butty from the onboard café? I even got chatting with the kindest man opposite me, who shared his passion for bird watching - he was on his way to Dover to spot rare seabirds!

I couldn’t wait to arrive in Dover and see the iconic white cliffs. They really were everything I hoped for, soaring high against the bright blue sky like majestic giants. There's something about their imposing grandeur that fills you with awe. After taking in the breathtaking scenery, I found a charming little café by the harbour and settled down for some afternoon tea. Let's just say it was utterly delightful - dainty finger sandwiches, freshly baked scones with lashings of clotted cream and, of course, a perfectly brewed pot of tea!

Feeling refreshed and full of that lovely, sugary energy, I wandered along the cobbled streets. They were overflowing with shops selling beautiful seashells, handcrafted souvenirs and, to my delight, a vintage shop with a whole rack of pastel pink clothing - my absolute weakness! Now, it wasn't quite tutu-related, but a gorgeous lace shawl caught my eye and I couldn't resist adding it to my collection.

Later, I went on a wonderful stroll along the pebbled beach. The sun was starting to dip towards the horizon, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange, and a gentle sea breeze was carrying the scent of salty air. It was utterly magical, almost fairytale-like, and it definitely sparked my inner muse! This is where the tutu made its grand entrance - it twirled so beautifully with the wind, mimicking the elegant movement of a ballerina.

You wouldn't believe how much fun I had just twirling on the beach with my tutu flowing in the wind. I even had a couple of enthusiastic beachgoers joining in on my spontaneous little dance! The laughter of happy children playing in the sand, the joyful shouts of seagulls soaring overhead, the rhythm of the waves crashing against the shore – it all just created this magical symphony of joyful noises that felt so wonderfully harmonious.

I know what you're thinking – pink tutus are not for everyone! But you know what? There is something incredibly freeing about embracing your inner twirly girl, about embracing the playful, joyous energy of life! This is precisely what my mission in life is: to make everyone believe they are beautiful and powerful, no matter what.

Wearing a pink tutu is a declaration of being bold, being yourself, and just plain fun. This week, I encourage you to put on your own 'pink tutu' – be it a literally pink tutu, a statement piece of clothing you adore, or a newfound confidence you have been working on. Let the world see the beautiful, fabulous person that you truly are.

Dover left a lasting impression on me, not just because of the stunning views but also because it reminded me to embrace the simple pleasures, the joys of being childlike, and the importance of living with joy in our hearts. This magical trip left me feeling full of inspiration and brimming with new ideas for the website. And just wait until you see the gorgeous photos from this shoot – they're already edited and ready to go live!

So, darlings, what about you? Where have you been twirling recently? Let me know in the comments, and don't forget to share your pink tutu moments with me on Instagram using #PinkTutuAdventures. I can't wait to hear all about them!

Until next time,

Stay beautiful and always remember to twirl with joy!

Love, Emma xx

P.S. Have I mentioned my website is www.pink-tutu.com ? Pop over and let's talk tutus!

#TutuBlog 1998-07-08 in Dover with a fairy themed tutu.