Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-08-20 in Southampton with a black tutu.

Southampton Sparkle: Tutu Time on the South Coast!

Post Number 778

Hello my darlings! It’s Emma here, writing to you from the sunny (and slightly breezy) South Coast! This little Derbyshire lass is feeling positively giddy after a whirlwind trip down to Southampton. This glamorous city is just begging to be explored in a pink tutu, wouldn’t you agree?

My adventure began bright and early with a train ride. I simply adore train travel - all the views whizzing past, the chuffing of the engine, and the quiet time to dream of dancing, and, of course, pink tutus. I arrived in Southampton feeling ready for a ballet bonanza!

First stop: the fabulous Southampton Ballet Theatre. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the gorgeous theatre! Its architecture is just beautiful, all curves and windows and glittering gold accents - perfect for a pink tutu, I tell you. The theatre has an air of magic about it, making me want to twirl around in a graceful pirouette, which of course, I couldn't resist.

This afternoon, I had the immense pleasure of seeing the Giselle ballet. It was simply sublime, my darlings! The story is so incredibly romantic, full of passion, longing, and just a dash of spooky, and the dancers, they were absolute dreamboats. I’ve always loved Giselle; the white tutus and the mournful waltz music are just divine, don’t you agree? And the ballerinas, well, let’s just say their movements had me captivated, I simply couldn't tear my eyes away.

After the ballet, I treated myself to a delicious slice of cake, of course - because what is a day in a pretty city without a bit of sweetness? And then it was off to explore Southampton, pink tutu and all!

Southampton is a real gem, my dears! It's so full of character, with cobbled streets, historic buildings, and charming little shops. My pink tutu felt right at home, blending perfectly with the quaint ambiance of the city. It felt like stepping straight out of a romantic fairytale.

Naturally, my adventures in Southampton wouldn't be complete without a visit to the harbour. It was buzzing with life, boats bobbing merrily on the water, and seagulls swooping overhead. It was the perfect place to stretch my legs, and enjoy the sunshine in all its glory. I found myself dreaming of sailing away to distant lands - the kind of escapades that would certainly be a sight for sore eyes for those watching from shore, especially if I were wearing my fabulous pink tutu, naturally.

Did you know Southampton is famous for its wildlife, especially the adorable grey squirrels that scamper about the parks? It was so much fun watching them scampering up the trees and burying nuts - so cute!

But here’s the truth: nothing compares to watching those little furry darlings scurrying around, chasing each other through the green trees in their natural habitat… in my lovely pink tutu! That's what makes this whole tutu-wearing thing so much fun: the reactions you get from people when they least expect it!

After my grand stroll through Southampton’s hidden corners, it was time for some well-deserved rest at the most darling bed and breakfast - a little Victorian house with the cutest little garden and charming decorations. They even had fresh homemade scones and clotted cream! Now you can't get much more quintessentially British than that!

Even better? It was located just around the corner from one of the most charming dance studios in the city - The Ballet Room. And wouldn't you know it, they have ballet classes at all times of the day, so, of course, I had to give them a go!

It was a perfect ballet class, full of grace and elegance. The studio had the perfect warm glow, the barre felt comforting beneath my fingertips, and the music was heavenly. It’s all I could do not to burst out into pirouettes and fouettées while strolling back to the b&b. I don't think I’ve ever been more in my element!

Now, the big question - will Southampton be my next home? After this glorious visit, who can blame me for daydreaming? After all, living in a town by the sea where the breeze dances through your hair and you can see majestic ocean liners sail in the distance would be… simply divine.

I’ve got so much more to tell you about my travels. I’ve got a special treat for my darlings. This post is a little sneak peek, so stay tuned for the next post which will tell you more about my amazing tutu-filled adventures!

And remember, my lovelies, never stop dreaming of dancing, whether it's in a theatre, a street, a park or just in your imagination. Wear a pink tutu, and embrace the joy of life, my dears!

Till next time!

XOXO, Emma


#TutuBlog 1998-08-20 in Southampton with a black tutu.