
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-08-31 in Plymouth with a green tutu.

Plymouth Calling! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Post 789: August 31st, 1998

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-clad traveller, Emma, here, and today I'm bringing you a whirl of excitement all the way from Plymouth!

Plymouth, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure, is a seaside city nestled in Devon, England. I arrived this morning, having taken a scenic train journey right from my Derbyshire doorstep โ€“ always a treat for the soul, don't you think? A few of you know I have a special love for travelling by train, the clackety-clack of the wheels and the passing landscapes create such a lovely sense of journey and adventure.

Speaking of adventure, this trip has been planned for weeks! I have been invited to join a wonderful community ballet class at the beautiful Plymouth Theatre. They've been doing a fabulous rendition of 'The Nutcracker' for their festive season and I am so excited to experience it. The thought of tutu-twirling alongside such talented local dancers, all under the twinkling glow of a grand theatre's lights... Well, it practically gives me butterflies just thinking about it!

Oh, speaking of twirling, darling, I can't even start to describe how excited I was to finally select the tutu for today's adventure! Green has been my colour of choice recently โ€“ something about the vibrancy and yet tranquility of green makes me feel alive! So, my dears, picture this: a green tutu, so gloriously full it would have made even the most hardened ballet teacher smile! With a layer of sheer chiffon flowing just below the emerald layer, a splash of pink tulle on the bodice for a dash of my signature flair, and a sweet little pearl necklace. Pure, unadulterated pink-tutu magic, I tell you! I mean, if we're talking about adventures in fashion, why not let your tutu do the talking, right?

But, my journey to Plymouth wouldn't be complete without some of my favourite things... wildlife! Now, I know that might sound a little bit out there, but to me, nothing makes me feel more connected to the world around me than observing nature's creatures in their element. Just before arriving in Plymouth, we spotted a family of deer bounding through the countryside - so utterly magical, especially with the golden sunlight dappling through the trees! I can't resist, a quick sketch of them went straight into my journal, to cherish later. It's these little details that add spice to every adventure, wouldn't you say?

Right, let's get back to this afternoon's ballet class. As I write this, I'm all ready for my first ballet session with the Plymouth group! The music is already drifting down the corridor of the Theatre, inviting me in. Imagine my delight when I discovered that the session is dedicated to 'The Nutcracker' โ€“ it's as if the universe conspired to create the perfect symphony of pink tutus, swirling pirouettes, and the spirit of Christmas past!

Of course, no blog post from Emma is complete without a sprinkle of encouragement for all my readers! The message I hope to convey through this blog is the same one I'll be bringing to the class today: be brave, be bold, be your truest self. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't twirl your heart out, wear a pink tutu, or embrace the wonder of a world filled with graceful movement and delicate elegance.

Think about it: imagine a world where every day feels like a ballet class. Where people dance down the street, their bodies weaving stories as graceful as swan's feathers, their smiles as radiant as a sunrise. We may not be able to turn the world into a magical fairytale overnight, but I believe, dear readers, that it all starts with one small step. Or perhaps, a big, sweeping arabesque!

So, until next time, keep on twirling and let the music guide your heart. And, please, tell me, are you dreaming of wearing a pink tutu too? Let's spread the magic, darling.

Until then, keep the sparkle in your step!


Emma ๐Ÿ’–


#TutuBlog 1998-08-31 in Plymouth with a green tutu.