Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-10-13 in Bath with a narrow tutu.

Bath: A Fairytale in Pink! (Post #832)

Hello darlings! Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the glorious city of Bath. I must say, this little gem truly lives up to its name. As a girl who loves anything that even remotely resembles a fairytale, Bath with its elegant Regency architecture, the babbling River Avon, and the breathtaking Roman Baths felt like stepping into a storybook. It's no wonder Jane Austen set some of her most cherished novels there.

The journey there was pure enchantment. I couldn't resist taking the train, with its leisurely pace and romantic atmosphere. As the landscape whizzed by, I envisioned myself as a young Jane Eyre, escaping to a new adventure. Who knew trains could be so thrilling?

Now, I know what you're thinking, darlings... Emma, did you actually wear a tutu on the train?! Well, my loves, this was Bath, not the Royal Ballet, so I did make a small compromise. Instead of my signature pink tutu (which I just love, by the way!) I went for something more subtle: a charming pale pink chiffon skirt that swirled and twirled with every step. Let's face it, a tutu on the train would have definitely attracted some stares, and even I, a firm believer in tutu power, have my limits!

Upon arrival in Bath, the first thing that greeted me was a sweet scent of honeysuckle and the gentle sound of birdsong. I could tell it was going to be a perfect day. First stop: the iconic Pump Room at the Roman Baths. Can you believe these magnificent baths have been here for nearly two thousand years? It's just incredible!

I could barely contain myself as I stepped into the hall. It was like walking into a scene from 'Roman Holiday,' only in pink! The building was a vision in creamy limestone and rose-coloured stone, with beautiful vaulted ceilings. And the gentle flow of the therapeutic water made a gentle 'plinking' sound that I could easily imagine being serenaded by.

Next, a visit to the Jane Austen Centre was in order! The little building, with its lovely Georgian façade, was just brimming with her spirit. I especially loved the charming little rooms where she used to write and the delightful recreations of her most iconic scenes from Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility. There's nothing more enchanting than stepping back in time, is there?

The afternoon was dedicated to a visit to The Theatre Royal Bath, the second oldest working theatre in Britain. The entire theatre was a perfect example of regency charm, with velvet curtains, ornamental carvings, and an intricate box system that had to be seen to be believed.

To be honest, I wouldn't be myself without experiencing the local ballet scene. I was incredibly fortunate to see a show by the Bath Ballet, which performed "Giselle." The dancers were outstanding, the music truly captivating, and the whole atmosphere felt so romantic.

While Bath wasn't all tutus and tea parties (though those certainly featured), I also squeezed in a delightful walk in the nearby Prior Park, a hidden jewel of landscaped gardens and lakes that was a complete oasis of tranquility. Imagine, my lovelies, a winding path amidst stately trees, the sound of a babbling stream and all this in the company of beautiful wildlife: brightly colored birdsong, butterflies flitting around flowers, and even a few cheeky squirrels darting across the grass.

That evening, it was back to the station, feeling as refreshed as a daisy. I can honestly say, this visit to Bath has left a deep mark on me, with its enchanting architecture, vibrant history and the magic that lingers in the air.

As always, I love to share my adventures with you. So tell me, darlings: what are some of your favourite places to explore? Let’s make some pink-tutu dreams come true! Remember: Always believe in tutu magic and keep your eyes open for pink opportunities!

Catch you tomorrow!

Lots of love and pink wishes,
Emma xxx www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 1998-10-13 in Bath with a narrow tutu.