
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-10-16 in Hove with a stiff tutu.

Hove, You're A Gem! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ (Post #835)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballet bunny, and guess what?! I'm writing this from the glorious seaside town of Hove, a little gem tucked away on the south coast of England. I just adore Hove - the elegant regency architecture, the bracing sea air, and those beautiful wide beaches! It truly does feel like a step back in time, and in the best possible way.

So how did I end up in Hove you ask? Well, it all started with a whimsical yearning for a train journey - don't we all crave those sometimes?! I packed my bright pink suitcase, squeezed into my perfectly fitting fuchsia tutu, grabbed a copy of The Little Prince (perfect reading for the seaside, don't you think?), and hopped onto a train for this exciting trip.

Let me tell you, nothing quite beats a train journey. Itโ€™s so wonderfully relaxed and nostalgic, especially in this day and age of hustle and bustle! It gives you time to contemplate life, admire the view, and yes, even people-watch โ€“ in a perfectly civilised way, of course. Plus, you can just throw on your most comfy outfit, including your ballet shoes! You can imagine how delighted I was to spot a family travelling with a delightful toddler decked out in a bright pink tutum... my heart truly melted, those mini ballerinas melt my heart everytime! We even shared a giggle, her tiny dancer tried on my tutu, a moment I shall treasure!

Now, the main reason for my trip was a performance at the gorgeous Theatre Royal Brighton, and you can bet your bottom dollar that I snagged the best seats in the house! I always say, life is too short to be in the back row. The theatre was positively buzzing with excited whispers and tinkling laughter โ€“ oh, it's truly magical. The show was stunning, featuring the brilliant Royal Ballet, and of course, the choreography had my toes tapping and my head swaying along. The costumes were phenomenal, all dramatic ruffles and sparkling gems, and letโ€™s not forget those fantastic, dramatic tutus!

Now, speaking of tutus, I absolutely adored this show for two main reasons: one, it showcased how ballet is more than just pirouettes and pliรฉs. I'm all about embracing ballet's diversity! This production seamlessly merged elements of classical ballet with some truly exciting modern and contemporary dance โ€“ it was both sophisticated and playful!

Secondly, the piece featured an ensemble of incredibly talented dancers of all ages and sizes! You could feel the power and energy radiating from the stage, regardless of anyone's size or age! Ballet truly embraces every individual, making it a universal language of movement. I simply love the fact that people from all walks of life can participate in and be inspired by this wonderful art form. It made me want to twirl until my tutu took flight! And speaking of twirling, I even got the opportunity to visit a ballet studio during my Hove escapade.

It felt wonderful to join some fabulous ladies in a lovely studio. The instructors were just divine - warm, encouraging, and brimming with such passion for ballet! They made me feel completely at ease and gave me some truly helpful tips on how to perfect my pirouettes. It really solidified that *it's never too late to start learning, or relearning, ballet! * It's such a versatile discipline that benefits everyone - body, mind, and soul.

And of course, no trip to Hove is complete without a delightful stroll along the pier! You can bet that I posed for a few fabulous photo ops with my pink tutu as a backdrop. I just couldn't resist! My Instagram followers just loved it! There's just something so incredibly freeing about feeling the breeze in your hair, hearing the waves crashing on the shore, and... yes, having a twirl! Let's be honest, every girl wants to be a ballerina, even if it's just for a few precious moments on the beach.

Now, the one thing that surprised me was the incredible bird life I encountered! Who knew there were so many delightful species nestled among the seagulls! Itโ€™s a complete joy to wander around, looking for those feathered beauties and feeling completely transported from my usual Derby surroundings. It just felt magical, like I'd stumbled into a painting, where pastel-coloured clouds met shimmering seas and all of the colours of a colourful bird paradise.

And speaking of magic... Hove felt absolutely magical this weekend! It was an absolute delight and just what I needed after the busy week I had back in Derbyshire. A delightful getaway that recharged my batteries and fuelled my creative mojo! So stay tuned my lovelies because next week's post will be full of my usual shenanigans, sparkling tutus, and my personal take on life in a pink tutu.

Until then, stay positive and remember: life is short - wear a pink tutu!

See you soon,
Emma x

#TutuBlog 1998-10-16 in Hove with a stiff tutu.