
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-11-07 in Carlisle with a red tutu.

Carlisle Calling: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! (Post #857)

Hey darlings! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina, and today I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement - because I'm in Carlisle! I know, I know, you might be thinking 'Emma, why Carlisle?' But bear with me, you'll see it was a truly fabulous choice.

Firstly, let's talk about the journey. My travel rule? Trains or horses! No cramped planes for this little ballerina. I found myself nestled in a first-class carriage on the Settle-Carlisle line, sipping tea and dreaming up dance routines inspired by the rolling green hills whipping past the window. Pure bliss!

Arriving in Carlisle, the first thing that caught my eye was the castle. Standing proud and regal, it seemed to say "Welcome, Emma, let's dance!" So, of course, I twirled on the spot in my red tutu, a beacon of pink positivity amidst the stone and cobblestones.

My first stop, naturally, was the Theatre by the Lake. You all know my weakness - anything with "theatre" in the title is guaranteed to draw me in like a moth to a flame. The performance? "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Talk about fitting! My love for Shakespeare runs just as deep as my love for ballet, so seeing it interwoven with dance was pure magic. The dancers, with their incredible grace and passion, transported us all to a magical, moonlit forest. I almost expected to spot Puck flitting between the stage and the audience!

Afterward, I did a little ballet exploration, you know, how I do. I popped into the Carlisle Ballet School, which is housed in the most charming little building. It had that perfect, classic feel – worn wooden floors, rows of little tutus hanging on the wall, the faint scent of sweat and talcum powder. There I met the most amazing instructor, Miss Emily, who showed me a few steps, even though I was quite happy to simply sit and admire the twinkle in her eyes as she moved. You see, for me, there's something truly special about the connection between a seasoned dancer and the raw enthusiasm of students.

As much as I love the world of professional ballet, it's that genuine spirit of passion, whether it be in the school studio or the local community theatre, that really fuels my soul. I'd even go as far as saying it makes me want to twirl the world pink, one tutu at a time!

Now, speaking of pink, you'd think the heart of Carlisle would be brimming with pink goodness, right? Wrong! It seems Carlisle was slightly lacking in the pink department, but that just meant more opportunities to inject some colour into this lovely, but somewhat muted, town!

That's when I spotted it. An adorable little shop called "The Pink Pig," nestled amidst cobbled streets. As you can imagine, I practically skipped through the doors, my tutu swishing happily in my wake. The shelves were overflowing with delightful trinkets and handmade treats, all bursting with bright colours. Of course, I picked up some cute, little pink pig-shaped cookies to nibble on during my explorations. What's more, I decided to spread the pink love, and so I snagged a handful of colourful hair ties to share with the staff and dancers of the Ballet School, because sharing is caring, isn’t it?

After that delightful find, my love for Carlisle just blossomed. It turned out to be a hidden gem!

Then I ventured into the world of wildlife, my other great love (after ballet, of course)! Carlisle is right by the Eden Valley, so it was a no-brainer to hop on the bus and explore its charming landscape. I was thrilled to spot a pair of majestic red kites soaring over the meadows, their scarlet plumage dazzling against the backdrop of the lush green fields. I felt my own spirits soaring with them.

I even stopped at the wonderful Eden Wildlife Garden, a delightful place filled with quirky sculptures and interactive displays. I got my photo taken next to the life-size sculpture of a heron and then learned all about the history of Carlisle and the region, through the eyes of its wildlife inhabitants. It’s all so intriguing!

You know me - always on the hunt for a unique experience, a bit of magic hidden away from the usual tourist traps. And in Carlisle, I found it! Whether you're a seasoned ballerina like me, or a first-time visitor looking for an exciting getaway, Carlisle really does offer something for everyone.

I’m planning to return, of course. But this time I’m packing a whole troupe of dancers, all clad in vibrant tutus. Imagine the scene: a flash of pink and a burst of joy as we pirouette through the ancient streets, turning Carlisle into a dance-filled dream! Now, that's a story I can't wait to tell you all about!

Until then, keep spreading the pink love, keep twirling with abandon, and remember – everyone can dance!

Yours in tutus and twinkle toes, Emma.


#TutuBlog 1998-11-07 in Carlisle with a red tutu.