Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1998-11-28 in Mitcham with a feather tutu.

Mitcham, My Darling, Mitcham! (Blog Post #878)

Dearest readers,

Greetings from a gloriously pink-hued Mitcham! I know, I know, it doesn't sound like the most glamorous destination, but hear me out. Sometimes the most delightful discoveries are made in the most unexpected places. And trust me, my feather tutu and I have had a right royal time exploring this lovely corner of Surrey!

Now, I confess, I did have a little giggle when the train tickets were handed to me. “Mitcham Junction,” they said in that very official font. Junction, you say? Honestly, you'd think they were suggesting a raucous night out at a dingy pub. But no, my dears, this "Junction" was actually a charming gateway to a little town overflowing with delightful surprises.

Firstly, the journey was pure bliss! I mean, what’s not to love about a train trip? Watching the scenery whizz by from my comfy carriage window, listening to the gentle chuffing of the engine… and best of all, admiring my fabulously flamboyant feather tutu in the reflection! It truly is a magical garment - I wouldn't leave home without it.

Upon arrival at Mitcham Junction, the air hummed with a different kind of magic. The scent of fresh baked goods wafted from a charming bakery, while birdsong serenaded the morning. Oh, and the swans! My absolute favourite creatures (besides dancers, of course). Such graceful creatures, gliding across the pond, their snowy plumage reflecting the sunshine.

Naturally, the feather tutu made its grand debut at Mitcham's charming park. A riot of pink against the vibrant green leaves. The squirrels were rather fascinated by its whimsical fluffiness, darting in and out of the trees as if in a playful ballet. And as I practiced a few elegant arabesques (in the centre of a quiet lawn, mind you!), a little girl watching from the sidelines shyly gave me a thumbs up. Mission accomplished, I'd say! Spreading the ballet love, one feather-tutu-clad arabesque at a time.

The day continued with a visit to the charming local library. Oh, the books! Stacks and stacks of stories just begging to be explored. And while the local residents were busy picking out their latest thrillers and romance novels, I, of course, went straight for the dance books. It's never too late to expand one's repertoire!

After all that, we needed sustenance! So, naturally, we headed for the tea room. (One mustn't neglect afternoon tea, darlings). And let me tell you, it was divine! Scones, clotted cream, jam… and, of course, a generous helping of dainty pink macarons. And while I savoured the moment, a lovely little girl came up to me and, after a moment of shy hesitation, asked me what my tutu was made of. A little ballet star in the making, no doubt!

It's truly remarkable how something as simple as a tutu, the vibrant colour pink, and a few graceful movements can bring such joy to others. It seems like my life’s mission is working out perfectly. Getting everyone to embrace the magic of pink tutus, whether they dance or not, is truly fulfilling. After all, who needs a glass slipper when you have a sparkly tutu?

Oh, and speaking of sparkly, my dear, I've heard whispers of a spectacular show in nearby Croydon featuring a "ballet on ice" extravaganza! Oh my! You simply cannot imagine my excitement!

Of course, I'll keep you all posted on that exciting venture. Until then, may your lives be filled with dancing dreams, delicious scones, and the loveliest feather tutus (especially pink ones, darling!).




#TutuBlog 1998-11-28 in Mitcham with a feather tutu.