Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-01-10 in Barnet with a green tutu.

Barnet Bound, in My Best Green Tutu! (Blog Post #921)

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, and today's adventure took me all the way to Barnet, a charming town just outside of London. I simply had to share this fabulously frivolous day with you! As you all know, I'm a big believer in embracing the unexpected, and that's exactly what I did today. Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm posting about Barnet, right? Well, dear readers, let me tell you, it was all about the fabulous tutu!

My outfit today was pure whimsy, with a green tutu twirling like a symphony of emerald joy. It matched my emerald green beret perfectly, the colour really making my eyes sparkle. And what better way to travel than by train? Yes, I hopped on the Northern Line and zoomed towards my destination, feeling every bit the ballerina on a magical quest.

Barnet has a special place in my heart - it's where I first experienced the joy of seeing live theatre. We used to visit the beautiful New Theatre every year when I was a little girl, mesmerised by the colourful stories, the dazzling costumes and the enchanting dancers. Seeing a ballet for the first time there absolutely stole my heart. It felt like I was witnessing something magical, something that connected me to a whole world beyond the Derbyshire fields I knew so well.

Today's trip was not about watching a ballet though, but about experiencing another kind of magic: a community performance of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". I was so excited to see a local group putting their heart and soul into such a captivating tale. You know, the best things about being a dancer is meeting other creative souls, watching their talents unfold, and the joy that bursts forth in the form of their amazing, colourful, spirited performances. It was wonderful seeing their bright eyes and beaming smiles during the finale. They embodied pure, uninhibited joy! It really made me realise that sharing the magic of performance goes far beyond the polished world of the big stage, doesn't it?

Before I went into the theatre, I happened to notice a flock of pink flamingos strutting about in the little pond in Barnet Park. They were like a scene from a surreal dream. I mean, pink flamingos! Imagine, they're the ultimate symbol of elegance and flamboyance. The graceful curves of their bodies, their shimmering feathers, their undeniable beauty – how could I not take a moment to admire them?

Seeing these amazing creatures reminded me of one of my most cherished adventures, the time I spent volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa. There, I spent my days surrounded by lions, elephants, cheetahs and zebras. Oh, to experience the vast beauty of the African plains again! But I digress…

Back in Barnet, the delightful theatre was an unexpected joy. I know some of you might find it unusual, a bit strange even, to visit a place just for the sake of its theatrical magic. But, that's what I do, dear readers. I love immersing myself in the little, often unnoticed joys that life has to offer. Whether it's finding a cute little shop selling handmade pink tutus, having tea at a tea room with the most elegant china teacups, or spotting a flamingo family in a park. You see, for me, the most fascinating things about travelling aren't about arriving at a certain destination. It's about finding the magic in the unexpected. It's about being present, observing the little details, and letting your heart take flight on a wing of whimsy.

I always find that travel broadens the mind and opens our eyes to new perspectives. It reminds us that there are a million beautiful stories waiting to be told.

My fellow dancers, never forget the joy that ballet brings, not just in the polished world of big theatre performances but in local halls and intimate gatherings, on stage or in the middle of a bustling town square. That’s what ballet is about! So go forth, spread the magic, and wear a pink tutu while you do it!

Until next time, darling!



#TutuBlog 1999-01-10 in Barnet with a green tutu.