Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-02-03 in Dunstable with a italian tutu.

Dunstable: Dancing in a Dreamy Italian Tutu! 💖🩰

Post #945 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hey everyone! It's Emma, your pink tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, back from a whirlwind weekend trip to Dunstable! This was my first time visiting this charming town, and I just had to share my adventures with you.

Now, the journey itself was half the fun. I opted for the scenic route, naturally. A trip to Dunstable wouldn't be complete without a bit of countryside romance. A whistle stop in Derbyshire first, of course, for a good old catch-up with my family. We've got a gorgeous cobbled street just a hop, skip, and jump from my parents' place, so I whipped out my favourite twirling pink tutu (the one with the tulle ruffles - it's a stunner!) for a quick practice. Turns out, Dad was quite the fan of my fancy footwork. He even hummed along to "Swan Lake"!

And then, off to the train station for a delightful trip on a vintage steam train. Yes, you heard that right - steam train! It's all about those small joys, right? I think the conductor might even have swooned when I proudly showed him my new Italian tutu I’d bought for the weekend. The sheer fabric was perfect for twirling, the softest pink, and adorned with little, glittering, ballerina-inspired sequins. It was the absolute epitome of “fancy-dress” ballet style!

Dunstable itself is so pretty! This little historic market town was teeming with history, and cobblestone streets with a smattering of antique shops and tea rooms - my kind of town.

The whole reason for this trip? To see a show, of course! And this show was something special - the world-famous Royal Ballet touring company graced the stage in Dunstable. I practically vibrated with excitement, especially when the curtains lifted for the iconic “Swan Lake.” The music filled the hall, so beautifully choreographed. It was pure ballet magic. I actually dabbled in a little armchair choreography myself, I couldn't resist - the inspiration was too strong!

However, the highlight of the weekend was definitely a chance encounter I had. There I was, soaking in the atmosphere before the ballet performance, when this adorable little girl, probably 6 years old, spotted my pink tutu. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Are you a real ballerina?” she asked with eyes wide with wonder. And with a twinkle in my eye, I responded, “Only on special occasions, my dear,” giving a twirl with a big grin. I felt like a fairytale princess for that brief moment.

And then, after the performance, she spotted my Italian tutu in the town square. She gasped! Then her mom joined us and she even tried to do a twirl, laughing in delight! You know how much I love sharing my love of ballet with anyone and everyone! Seeing that pure, unadulterated joy made me feel so happy and truly confirmed that the magic of ballet is truly infectious.

There was also an interesting side trip to a local Wildlife Sanctuary. I saw a couple of grey squirrels chasing each other - absolutely adorable! And the park itself had an old-fashioned carousel with painted wooden horses. Talk about fairytale magic. You could just about picture the horse galloping in a beautiful meadow with the sunset behind them…

I’ve definitely caught the travel bug - but of course, I'm already planning my next tutu-worthy adventure. The only thing missing in Dunstable? More ballet schools for aspiring dancers.

And guess what? I decided it's high time I shared the secrets of my favourite twirling practice with you!

Twirling Tutorial! 🤸‍♀️

Let's be honest, every girl wants to be a princess, especially when you’re sporting a fab tutu. That twirling is essential to any magical ballet routine, whether you're practicing at home or showcasing your skills at the local theatre! So, here’s my expert (ahem, amateur!) tutorial for twirling with style:

  1. Start with your posture: Imagine you’re a graceful ballerina! Stand tall, with shoulders back and core engaged. Feet are parallel and turned out.

  2. Practice your turn: Keep that back straight and turn your head towards the direction of your turn. Try to keep your feet still as you gracefully swivel around your core.

  3. Arms and Hands: Arms gracefully extend as you rotate, a slight lift with palms pointing downwards to help you spin longer!

  4. Keep that energy high: Twirling takes focus and determination. Picture yourself a ballet dancer on a beautiful stage with the spotlight shining on you. Now go and twirl!

And, if you really want to get your twirling game on point, take up ballet classes - there's really no substitute! Just remember, even if you’re a novice, don’t forget your ballet shoes! And, to all you new dancers - always remember your first ballet class? The magic of the twirl never fades!

That's it for today, lovely people! Don't forget, life is all about embracing the joys, both big and small, so twirl with gusto, and make sure you visit Dunstable. It's a must-see on any pink tutu itinerary.

Stay gorgeous and dance your heart out, Emma 💕💖

#TutuBlog 1999-02-03 in Dunstable with a italian tutu.