Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-03-10 in Wickford with a pink tutu.

Wickford Calling: Pink Tutus and Horse-Drawn Journeys! (Post #980)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, and I'm back with another thrilling tale from my globetrotting, tutued adventures! Today's story starts in the beautiful county of Essex, nestled right near the stunning Southend-on-Sea, where I journeyed via the most delightful mode of transport: horse and carriage!

Honestly, how else do you get the real feel of Victorian glamour? The gentle clip-clop of hooves, the scent of leather and hay, and the breezy ride - a true dream come true! As I gazed out of my window at the passing English countryside, I felt an overwhelming sense of contentment, of being perfectly at one with the world.

Why was I heading to Wickford, you ask? Well, dear reader, this small town holds a secret treasure: the Wickford Art & Leisure Centre! This magnificent venue plays host to the Wickford Festival of Dance, a glorious celebration of the performing arts, and this year, it featured one of my favourite ballet companies, The Royal Ballet!

Can you believe my luck? Not only was I able to attend the performance, but I even had the opportunity to meet some of the dancers backstage! I must admit, they were just as charming as I expected - so down-to-earth, so passionate about their art, and they were simply thrilled to see me sporting my signature pink tutu!

You might wonder why a trip to a small town in Essex is worth a blog post, let alone the long and winding horse ride. But believe me, Wickford offered a truly unforgettable experience. The Festival was a delightful concoction of talent, colour, and sheer joyous expression.

Speaking of joyous expression, I absolutely adore seeing children participate in these kinds of events. The excitement in their eyes as they witness the power and beauty of ballet is infectious! And as for my personal contribution to the festive mood, I decided to don a tutu in the vibrant shade of coral. This particular masterpiece was a special vintage piece that I’d recently snagged from a charity shop in Derbyshire. (Don’t worry, I still have my usual pink, it just needed a day off!). This little burst of color certainly brightened up the event, even attracting a couple of very curious ducks who seemed to want to have a dance themselves!

After the dazzling performance, the charming folks at the centre offered me a chance to try their ballet studio, and, needless to say, I jumped at the chance! (Quite literally, I was bounding and leaping across the room!) I managed to convince a couple of local dancers to join me for a quick session, which, by the way, was absolutely fantastic! Their moves were so graceful, and they gave me a few tips that are definitely going to elevate my own dance routine.

We spent the rest of the day exploring the town, soaking in the unique atmosphere and reveling in the beauty of its Victorian architecture. I particularly loved the Wickford Market, where I managed to secure some incredibly exquisite fresh produce. There’s nothing like a little artisanal cheese to elevate your tutu-clad wardrobe!

Wickford’s countryside offered another delight - a visit to a local farm. I'm not ashamed to admit that I spent a considerable amount of time petting fluffy sheep and playful lambs! They're such lovely, gentle creatures! I also encountered a family of hedgehogs, a sight that I can honestly say stole my heart!

The trip wouldn't be complete without mentioning the locals themselves. The people of Wickford are absolutely wonderful, full of warmth and friendly conversation. They really welcomed me with open arms, even offering to join my impromptu dance class in the centre. Now that's what I call community spirit!

Now, I know you’re probably dying to hear all about my grand adventure home, but this blog post is already brimming with details! However, I'll give you a little sneak peek. Let’s just say, the return journey was just as magical as the initial one, with a touch of mystery thrown in! Let’s just say, it involved a stolen moment under the starry sky, a surprise gift, and a whole lot of pink! Stay tuned for that part, dears!

Until then, I bid you adieu. And remember, if you see me, do say hello! My mission, after all, is to get the world to dance and spread a bit of pink joy wherever I go. I promise, wearing a pink tutu can change your life for the better!

Love and happy pirouettes,


P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com daily for more of my adventures!

#TutuBlog 1999-03-10 in Wickford with a pink tutu.