Hello my lovelies! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed adventurer. And guess what? I’m back in the UK after a whirlwind tour of Europe! I spent the last few weeks in beautiful, sun-soaked Italy (you'll have to wait for that blog post - I have SO MUCH to tell you!), but today, I’m settling back into life in good old Blighty with a trip to the historic city of Norwich.
Now, you may think I'm just making this up, but my dear friends, you'd be wrong! Norwich has an actual, bonafide pancake race. Seriously! I mean, I'm all for the more traditional pancake races, but how could I possibly resist the allure of a race involving fluffy, buttery pancakes? I had to get my tutu on and head to the Norfolk capital.
To add to the charm, I decided to arrive in style. Instead of hopping on a stuffy train (though there’s nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned train journey), I hitched a ride with my friend Sarah's uncle, Henry. Henry is a true gentleman, and let me tell you, he is one of the kindest men I know! But here's the twist: Henry's transport is a gorgeous chestnut mare named Clementine. Yes, my loves, I went to Norwich on horseback!
Clementine trotted me through the English countryside, a scene of verdant meadows and blossoming wildflowers, as if straight out of a Jane Austen novel. The air was sweet with the scent of honeysuckle, and the sound of birdsong filled the air. I practically wanted to burst into song myself! But then I remembered I had a big, fluffy pancake tutu to wear, and the last thing I needed was a hair-raising fall from Clementine. That would be truly catastrophic.
Arriving in Norwich, I couldn't help but feel transported back in time. It was like stepping into a picture postcard with its ancient, narrow cobblestone streets, medieval guildhalls, and beautiful cathedral spire reaching towards the heavens. My trusty pink tutu certainly didn't blend in with the historical charm of the city, but, as always, I had no intention of doing so! I was here to make a statement. To inspire! To bring a little bit of whimsy to the world.
I met up with Sarah and her lovely friend, Beatrice, both of whom embraced the pink tutu vibe completely! We were quite the sight as we made our way to the bustling city square. As expected, the pancake race was a riot! Pancakes flew through the air, a bit more chaotically than I had imagined, and the crowd roared with laughter. It was utterly bonkers, and that’s exactly how I like my fun!
There was a lovely young lady with a pancake tutu who joined me. We took a group selfie with our tutus in the air, just for fun, and, of course, I uploaded it to my Instagram (@pinkshoesballet) immediately. You’d think pancake races were commonplace in my life, the way I seemed to glide right into the rhythm of it all! Sarah was worried I was going to be a little, well, let’s say, “out of place,” with my pink tulle extravaganza in the midst of all the “normal” folk. But really, that's just her! The Norwich locals, like me, seemed to enjoy a bit of silly fun, and that's just what we got.
After all the excitement of the pancake race, Sarah, Beatrice, and I made a detour to a delightful little tea shop called "The Pretty Little Teashop." Let's be honest, I just had to see what "pretty little" was all about! My favourite part of a day like this is that it is often about these unexpected stops, the little details, and enjoying moments like this, you know? Of course, a pink tutu just screams afternoon tea. Beatrice said we should have brought the tea and crumpets back to the city square for an impromptu tea party, but Sarah thought that might be "taking things too far". We all agreed, on reflection, that Sarah was probably right on that one.
That evening, Norwich was transformed into a symphony of twinkling lights. We watched a spectacular street performance from the local theatre group, dressed in flamboyant costumes - think feathered hats and sequin-covered capes! This felt like my kind of night out! I may have even spotted some sparkly shoes and felt the need to bust out some pirouettes on the street! But Sarah pulled me back - good grief, the man was selling raffle tickets and I might have given him a big tip, in cash no less, after thinking I'd bought an extra raffle ticket from his basket!
Evenings in Norwich are simply magic. A little bit whimsical and so delightfully, unexpectedly quirky! As for the day itself, I’m still completely buzzing about my ride on Clementine! It's no secret I adore all things horses (well, unless they're wearing those weird, pink tutu things, like in those YouTube videos that went viral, haha!). For me, nothing quite compares to the feeling of freedom you experience while riding. The wind whipping through your hair, the feel of the horse’s muscles beneath you, it’s absolutely exhilarating.
This trip to Norwich, though just a day trip, really cemented something for me. Sometimes the best things in life are the unplanned detours, the unexpected adventures. We all get caught up in our routines, but it’s those little bursts of something new and different that make life so vibrant and full. I have to give Norwich a huge tick for just being wonderfully eclectic, a truly wonderful escape!
Until my next adventure, darling,
P.S. I'm so excited about our upcoming trip to the coast! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram (@pinkshoesballet) for sneak peeks and live updates. And please do let me know about your latest fashion finds in the comments! xx