Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-07-13 in Burnley with a german tutu.

Burnley, You’ve Stolen My Heart (Post #1105)

Oh, darlings, where do I even begin? I feel like I’m bursting with joy! Today, I found myself in Burnley, a charming little town nestled in the heart of Lancashire. You know me, I love exploring new places, and I just had to see what this quaint gem had to offer. It turns out, Burnley has a real heart of gold. It's been a wonderful adventure!

Let me tell you, my journey began in the most enchanting way imaginable. A train journey through the English countryside. Oh, how I love a train journey, particularly those beautiful ones that glide you through green fields and alongside rolling hills. They truly allow your mind to wander and, as a ballerina, they also inspire my dancing soul. There's nothing quite like the rhythm of the tracks to set your creative juices flowing, is there?

The journey to Burnley was also a chance to revel in the beautiful countryside scenery of Yorkshire and Lancashire. It was just what I needed! Sometimes, in my busy city life, I crave those natural elements - fresh air, wildlife, birdsong, it’s truly soul-restoring, it’s like an emotional reset button, and I feel refreshed ready to tackle anything life throws my way. My spirit was buzzing!

As I alighted from the train in Burnley, I immediately felt the warm and welcoming atmosphere. It's a bustling place, with cobblestone streets, shops filled with charming curios, and a fantastic market brimming with local produce. But for me, what stood out most was the spirit of this lovely town. Everyone I encountered was so kind and helpful, happy to offer a friendly chat or directions, and, with such warm smiles, the friendliest welcome I've felt on this trip.

This town is full of life! I spent hours browsing through shops, marvelling at the local craftsmanship. I even managed to score some amazing vintage ballet books from a hidden antique shop! The owner was a delightful chap who regaled me with stories of local ballet traditions – I just had to snatch them up!

I must tell you all about my evening performance. You’ve all been with me from the beginning. Remember, you know me, I live for ballet. And tonight, Burnley didn't disappoint. You see, I made my way to the historic Mechanics Theatre. A truly gorgeous little venue – think beautiful red velvet seating and chandeliers.

And that is where I was totally enthralled by a performance from Burnley Ballet. These beautiful ballerinas truly showed the meaning of dedication, grace, and artistic expression. Oh, I was mesmerised, they made my heart sing! Theirs was an effortless, vibrant, captivating performance – a breathtaking ballet experience for every dancer’s soul!

The performance was about a group of ballerinas dancing on a street where each ballerinas tells a tale, all connected to the same community - they each represent different parts of that community: a shopkeeper, a bus driver, the school teacher - it’s about being together and connected as one!

But my greatest discovery in Burnley has been this little vintage shop called The Pink Tutu, tucked away on a quiet street. Don't let the name fool you, this shop is far from ordinary! It’s brimming with colourful vintage clothes, and believe me when I say there is some fabulous vintage attire waiting for you to unearth – an explosion of textures and colour - absolutely stunning, truly a hidden gem of a store and one that’s added to my ever-growing list of favourite shopping spots.

Of course, the moment I saw a shimmering pink tutu nestled amongst the rails, I knew I had to try it on! The owners are two beautiful, flamboyant sisters - oh, you’ll just adore them!

Oh, they also do these wonderful ‘dress like a ballerina’ classes on a Saturday, complete with delicious cream tea. Imagine! A afternoon with the girls learning beautiful ballerina moves and drinking tea. You all need this in your lives.

But beyond the fashion, Burnley is all about finding that spark, that inner strength, and the beauty of movement. You might even find your own little piece of magic here too - you know me, always looking for those magical moments in the everyday.

Speaking of finding magic, I have to tell you about this gorgeous old clock tower that stands proud in the town centre. It’s a reminder of a bygone era and of the heart and history that is so evident everywhere in this vibrant little town. It’s also such a brilliant spot for a beautiful ballerina selfie, let me tell you, with those gorgeous green fields behind, you’re sure to make a masterpiece for my Instagram feed!

Don’t you want to join me?

And as a special treat for you, my wonderful readers, if you mention 'Pink Tutu' at the Pink Tutu store, the owners have generously offered you a special 10% discount off your purchase!

Well, my darlings, it's time to wrap things up for now. As the sun sets over the beautiful Burnley hills, and I’m getting ready for the evening train home, I'm already looking forward to my next visit! Oh, it’s a place that feels like it has magic around every corner.

You know my goal is to get everyone to try ballet - so that is my challenge to you. Join a local class, get involved with the community, learn some simple steps at home, put on a pink tutu, or a black one or whatever makes you happy! Whatever makes your soul dance! Be bold, embrace the art of movement, embrace life with enthusiasm. Remember, my lovely dancers, it's about unleashing your inner sparkle, dancing with joy, and living life to the fullest.

Until my next adventure, may your days be filled with beautiful music, swirling tutus, and boundless joy. Remember, the world needs more pink tutus and more ballet!

Until next time…

Yours always in pink, Emma xxx

P.S. Follow me on my adventures over on Instagram! I’m posting gorgeous pics from Burnley at @PinkTutuBlog xx

#TutuBlog 1999-07-13 in Burnley with a german tutu.