
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-07-30 in Rugby with a german tutu.

Post #1122: A German Tutu and Rugby in the Rhine Valley

Oh my darlings, how are you? I'm back from Germany with a whole new collection of memories, a rather peculiar encounter with some rather strong lads in lederhosen, and of course, my trusty pink tutu! (You knew it wouldn't be a trip without it!)

Now, you know I'm a Derbyshire girl at heart, but something about hopping on the Eurostar with a picnic basket and a good book just takes me back to those charming travel stories of my childhood. You know, like Miss Marple getting on a train to solve a mystery, or even that classic "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"! There's a touch of magic in the simple act of leaving everything behind and letting the landscape roll by. And honestly, what better companion for the journey than a beautiful tutu? It just adds a touch of whimsy, don't you think?

Speaking of whimsy, our first stop was the magical Black Forest. Picture this: rolling hills covered in emerald green pines, the scent of pine needles and wildflowers in the air, and quaint villages tucked away in valleys, the kind that appear straight out of a fairytale. Oh, the fairytale cottages, darling, the colourful half-timbered houses, the cobblestone streets that echoed with the clip-clop of hooves, and even the sight of a horse-drawn carriage passing by! My heart skipped a beat, I can tell you! The sheer beauty made me want to leap for joy...which is precisely what I did, tutu and all, right there in the middle of the market square! It wasn't exactly "en pointe", but I think the locals found my enthusiasm charming. πŸ˜‰

Then, onto the Rhine Valley, and this is where things got truly interesting. We boarded a ship and sailed down the Rhine, surrounded by fairytale castles clinging to steep, vine-covered hills. And wouldn't you know it, our guide pointed out a real castle, an actual fortress! I gasped! How could I have ever imagined such majesty?

But the grand finale of our day happened on the shores of the Rhine itself. Imagine, if you will, a field of vibrant green grass dotted with wildflowers, a warm breeze caressing our faces, the Rhine flowing calmly by, and ...a Rugby match! A Rugby Match! It wasn't something I had expected at all, darling. But, then I spotted it: a lone, bright pink tutu, draped around a post in the corner of the pitch! It must have been divine intervention. My friends all tried to convince me to just leave it be, you know, to let it stay in its peaceful spot by the field, but I just had to have it! The world, my dears, needs a little bit more of pink. And rugby? Well, those rugby players were absolutely gorgeous. Even the ones in their rather tight-fitting leather trousers, who looked rather uncomfortable in the summer heat! πŸ˜‰

I waltzed into the middle of that Rugby pitch, pink tutu billowing in the summer breeze. A hush fell over the spectators, you could practically feel their eyes on me, and I loved the attention, of course, all that whispered β€œOohs” and "Aahs." I must admit, darling, I was slightly concerned about the look of disapproval on the faces of some of the players as they ran off the pitch after a particularly fierce scrum... But you know what? They're just a little bit jealous! I could see the envy in their eyes... it was actually rather flattering. It seemed like a lovely moment for me to spin a few pirouettes, maybe even throw in some ballet moves, but then suddenly there they were...the leather trousers and strong-arms, in all their muscular glory... A very firm, rather demanding voice shouted "Time to get off the field."

Honestly, the very fact that that sentence was directed at a ballerina wearing pink tulle just makes me chuckle! (It may even end up inspiring my next post!)

The truth is, darling, they didn't chase me off. They helped me back up, offered me a can of soda (apparently their idea of a ballet drink!) and then we chatted! It turned out to be quite a sweet conversation, all about ballet, Germany, and how much I loved the rugby team. (Did I mention those strong-arms? The rugby uniform does rather have an interesting effect on a girl). It wasn't "love at first sight," but hey, who knows, maybe I'll try out rugby? They’re going to make me wear one of those fancy football kits, you know, the ones they wear under their lederhosen! Just the thought of all that beautiful leather has me spinning with excitement, (and perhaps also with my pink tutu!)

Back to the travels, my dear, it’s hard to even choose a favorite moment, darling! The whole experience was like a beautifully choreographed performance - with a touch of chaos, a bit of unexpected, but welcome drama, and most importantly, a dash of that charming pink tutu magic. It certainly reminds me of that iconic ballet by Stravinsky called The Rite of Spring. Such chaos, so dramatic, so vibrant and wild! The pink tutu was definitely the centrepiece.

But as the sun dipped lower in the sky, it was time to leave. I hoisted my luggage (a giant bag, bursting with souvenirs of course), tugged my pink tutu into my backpack, and climbed onto a sleek train heading back to Derbyshire. You see, my darling, the beauty of travel lies in not just the places you see, but the stories you collect and the people you meet. It's not just about waltzing across the globe in a tutu - it's about connecting with the world, and maybe, just maybe, inspiring it to wear a bit more pink.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go! There are many more adventures ahead! I just hope they involve at least a hint of pink and maybe even a bit of rugby! πŸ˜‰ Until tomorrow, my darlings! And remember, it’s always tutu time, anywhere and everywhere!

#TutuBlog 1999-07-30 in Rugby with a german tutu.