Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-08-14 in Feltham with a pink tutu.

Feltham Calling! Pink Tutu & Platform Tickets (Post #1137)

Hiya lovelies! It's your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, Emma, checking in from sunny Feltham! That's right, folks, the pink tutu has ventured south, and it's all thanks to my favourite mode of transport: the train! (Closely followed by a spirited steed, of course, but one can dream!)

Oh, and I've got a juicy piece of gossip! I saw a rather fabulously dressed young lady rocking a cherry-red tutu just last night. Not quite my vibe, darling, but she was absolutely owning it! It's truly wonderful seeing the pink tutu trend taking hold. And, speaking of pink… have you seen the most gorgeous shade of bubblegum pink on the new range of ballet shoes? I simply have to get myself a pair!

Adventures in Balletland

Anyway, enough about fashion, darling, let's talk ballet! My week has been a whirl of pirouettes and grand jetés, with a stop-off for a rather exquisite cup of Earl Grey, of course.

The Feltham Arts Centre is, in a word, splendid! The performance I attended was Les Sylphides, which I simply adore. Those delicate movements, the haunting melodies… It’s such a beautiful and ethereal piece. And then, there was the finale, those graceful, almost weightless movements... I felt the urge to dance myself! I simply adore being a part of such a vibrant and artistic community. It really makes my heart sing!

Ballet and… Wildlife?

This wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu post without a touch of nature, wouldn't you say?

Yesterday, after an amazing ballet class, I ventured into the delightful Feltham Park, my faithful steed, "Sparkles" (my new bicycle - just for those wondering!), beside me. I simply couldn’t resist! Now, I know it seems strange to link ballet and wildlife, but just as a ballerina embodies grace and strength, nature displays such stunning beauty and resilience! And the wild flowers! Just stunning. I had a moment of inspiration, and I’m actually thinking about starting a series on my blog about ballet and nature! It’s going to be a hoot!

Calling all Ballerinas!

Have you heard the news, darlings? There's a fabulous open-air ballet festival happening in the heart of Feltham! I simply couldn't miss out on this spectacle, and I hope you all will join me for the next one. If you've never been to a ballet festival before, do try to get yourself a ticket. Trust me, you'll be dancing the night away with joy.

A Peek Behind the Pink Tutu

Here’s a sneak peek into what makes me, Emma, tick…

  • I believe in the power of the pink tutu. It's not just an outfit, darling, it's a statement. A statement about strength, beauty, and embracing your inner child!
  • I'm obsessed with all things pink. From pink rose teacups to pink-painted nail polish, my life is bursting with vibrant shades of pink. Life is too short for beige, my dear friends!
  • The ballet is my world, my passion. From the classic ballets to the contemporary, I am enthralled by its elegance and powerful expression.
  • Traveling by train allows me to experience the world around me. The gentle rocking, the passing scenery... it's like being in a scene from a fairytale. And my latest love, Sparkles, is a pretty darn fabulous mode of transport!
  • And last but not least, nature is my happy place. I love immersing myself in the beauty of the natural world, from majestic mountains to the smallest creatures that flutter through the meadows. There’s something utterly magical about seeing life in motion, especially while wearing my trusty pink tutu!

I hope you've enjoyed my latest escapade, my lovely readers. I’ll be back tomorrow with more fabulous stories and delightful discoveries!

Until then, keep dancing and remember, Life is for twirling!

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 1999-08-14 in Feltham with a pink tutu.