
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-09-10 in Crosby with a feather tutu.

Crosby Calling: A Feather-Light Tutu and a Wild Day Out (Post #1164)

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, your favourite tutu-touting traveller, writing to you from the delightful seaside town of Crosby, just a hop, skip and a train ride from my lovely Derbyshire home. Todayā€™s adventures have been all about feather tutus, windswept beaches, and friendly seals. Buckle up, babes, because this post is about to be a whirlwind of pink and joy!

The day started, as all good days should, with a bit of ballet. This morningā€™s class at my local studio was heavenly, as always. My trusty pink tutu spun perfectly around me as we practiced our pirouettes and fouettĆ©s. I really am lucky to have such an inspiring group of ladies to dance with, and thereā€™s nothing like the camaraderie we share after an invigorating session.

Afterwards, I felt an urge to be one with nature (I canā€™t be the only one who gets a sudden yearning for open skies and rolling hills, right?) and decided on a day trip to Crosby. A quick train ride later, and I was strolling along the charming streets of this coastal town, feeling that familiar thrill of adventure.

I was lucky to arrive just in time to see the iconic Antony Gormley sculptures ā€œAnother Placeā€, which are dotted across the beach. Imagine rows and rows of life-size figures, some standing upright, others perched on the sands or disappearing beneath the waves ā€“ a breathtaking and somewhat ethereal sight. They felt a little like a grand ballet ensemble, each cast member striking a unique pose!

After exploring the art installations and enjoying the crisp, fresh air, I made my way to the beach. And it was here where things got seriously exciting. While walking along the shoreline, a chorus of barking, yipping and playful yelping grabbed my attention. I looked up to see a whole troop of seals just chilling on a sandbank, basking in the sun! My heart did a little pirouette - they were absolutely adorable, bouncing around like furry puppies.

To top it off, I decided to unleash my inner wild child and donned my favourite feather tutu. I know what you're thinking, "Emma, feathers and a beach?!ā€ It may sound odd, but the wind caught the delicate plumes, making my tutu billow like a graceful bird.

Thereā€™s something truly special about feeling the cool spray of the sea on your face and the sun warming your skin as you twirl in a feather-light tutu. The whole scene, with the sea, the sculptures, and those playful seals, felt so theatrical, like a whimsical ballet performed right on natureā€™s stage. I even managed to capture a few photos of me with a majestic backdrop of the sea and the sculpures for my instagram feed - be sure to check them out! (www.instagram.com/emmatheballetgirl)

By the way, my dear readers, did you know that a feather tutu can actually act as a pretty good defence against seagulls?! Not that I encourage it, mind you, but I learned the hard way when a mischievous bird tried to swoop down for my bag, only to get a little fluttery shock from my tutu. Luckily, it didnā€™t harm him. Just a friendly reminder from my feathery companion to keep her distance.

It was a long but totally fulfilling day, and my ā€œAnother Placeā€ trip is going down as one of the most magical days ever. The beach, the art, the playful seals, and a feather-light tutu? Itā€™s a perfect blend of ballet and wild adventure, if I do say so myself.

Now, if youā€™re looking for a day out with a bit of theatre and whimsy, I highly recommend visiting Crosby. You can take a stroll by the sea, admire the stunning sculptures, perhaps catch sight of a seal or two, and who knows, you might even feel inspired to don a tutu of your own! (Feather tutus are all the rage, babes, you'll thank me later.)

Till next time, darlings, stay pink and sparkly!

Lots of love, Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 1999-09-10 in Crosby with a feather tutu.