Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1999-12-13 in Bulwell with a yellow tutu.

Bulwell Bound in a Bright Yellow Tutu!

Post #1258

Hello darlings! Emma here, and today I'm bursting with excitement! You see, I'm off on a little adventure, a whirlwind of tutus and trains! It all started this morning when I woke up with a song in my heart and a mischievous twinkle in my eye. You know what that means, right? Time for a splash of colour, a sprinkle of tulle, and a journey that will leave everyone with a smile on their face!

After my morning ballet class – where, by the way, I absolutely nailed that triple pirouette, I'm feeling very accomplished! - I did a quick spin around my flat, landing on a bright yellow tutu. It's almost as vibrant as a sunflower, but with a touch more grace, wouldn't you agree?

So, packed with snacks, a good book, and a yellow tutu so glorious it could rival a sunbeam, I set off to the train station. The carriage, thankfully, was less crowded than a school disco (and far more fragrant!), and I had the pleasure of sitting beside a charming gentleman who kept asking me if I was an "actress," "ballerina," or a "superhero." "All of the above!" I replied with a wink. And, honestly, who wouldn't want a dash of each in their lives?

After a journey that could be described as peaceful (as peaceful as it can be with a tutu this magnificent, anyway!), I reached the vibrant city of Nottingham, where the spirit of history, laughter, and of course, good food, swirls around you like a magical vortex. My destination? Bulwell! It’s not the most famous place in the world, but it holds a special place in my heart, especially today. You'll have to stay tuned to see why!

Bulwell was as welcoming as a hug from a cuddly teddy bear. As I stepped out of the station, I felt that familiar sense of wonder and excitement. Everywhere I looked there was beauty, bustling markets brimming with treasures, vibrant shops brimming with personality, and people so friendly their smiles could brighten even the darkest of days. And as you might have guessed, the sunshine of my yellow tutu perfectly matched the sunshine beaming down from the sky!

There was even a street performer – a young chap juggling five balls with the effortless grace of a ballerina! He was wearing a bright blue tie with his white shirt – just imagine how lovely that would have been with a pink tutu instead! Sigh. Oh well, one tutu enthusiast at a time, I suppose.

One thing that makes Bulwell truly special is its heart, and by heart, I mean its magnificent local wildlife. As I strolled through the beautiful park, I encountered the most charming little squirrels. I know, they're a little on the bossy side (squirrel gangs, anyone?) but there was a glint in their eyes that promised mischief and adventure, which I found utterly endearing! You've gotta admit, even those little nutcrackers look utterly magnificent with those bushy tails, perfect little accessories. If they only knew they'd look even more fantastic in a pink tutu, though! Maybe I should bring them some miniature tutus... writes it down on her mental to-do list.

After a delicious lunch at a delightful cafe with the best homemade cakes, I took a little time to stroll the streets and explore this wonderful, quaint little town. This isn’t my first trip to Bulwell; I actually grew up just a hop and skip away in lovely Derbyshire. And to be honest, there's nothing more heart-warming than revisiting a place that brings back a flurry of nostalgic memories.

Now, as I write this blog from my cozy corner of my favorite pub (with a warm fire crackling in the background – which could very well be a metaphor for my life, and I am not just saying that because it’s comfy!) it’s time to reveal the exciting surprise that drew me to Bulwell in the first place! But for you, darling readers, the surprise will have to wait until tomorrow’s blog post! I wouldn’t dream of spoiling all the fun, but I promise, tomorrow's blog is gonna be a big one!

One thing I've learned from my little adventures, whether they involve bustling train journeys, sunshiney yellow tutus, or delightful squirrels with attitude, is to embrace every moment. You never know what delightful surprises are waiting around the corner. But don’t just take my word for it, hop on your train, your horse, your bicycle, or even just step out of your front door and let the adventure begin! Don’t forget to wear pink (and perhaps even a tutu!)! I know I'm going to!

Stay twirling,


P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com for your daily dose of ballet and beauty! See you tomorrow, darling! And keep your eyes peeled for our "Wear A Pink Tutu Day" campaign - coming soon!

#TutuBlog 1999-12-13 in Bulwell with a yellow tutu.