Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2000-01-11 in Droitwich with a american style tutu.

Droitwich Sparkle: A Tutu Adventure (#1287) 🩰💖

Hello my dearest tutu-loving friends!

It's Emma here, your favourite pink-clad ballet enthusiast, ready to share another whirlwind of a day! This time, the adventure took me to the charming town of Droitwich in Worcestershire, a place known for its brine wells and charming cobbled streets. As you can imagine, this enchanting town was a perfect setting for my latest tutu-filled escapade.

It’s Saturday morning and, despite a rather nippy breeze, I’m filled with excitement for the day. It’s going to be a full one, I’ve got ballet class at the Droitwich Dance Studio in the afternoon and the local theater has a fantastic performance of "Swan Lake" this evening. Oh, and let’s not forget a leisurely walk along the canal with my camera, looking for swans (fitting for a "Swan Lake" day!). And you know me – gotta sport a fabulous pink tutu, obviously!

Now, my latest addition to my ever-expanding tutu collection is an absolute dream. A delightful American style tutu, with delicate tulle layers and shimmering accents. I simply can't resist a good twirl in this gorgeous creation. Honestly, I think this tutu has officially taken over as my absolute favorite - the sunshine hitting the tulle was a dream!

On arrival, Droitwich surprised me in the most lovely way. As I disembarked from the train (always a glamorous way to travel!), I felt the crisp air and saw the rows of honey-coloured houses and blooming gardens. It was a total fairytale setting – something out of a children's story.

A brisk walk led me to the Droitwich Salt Museum. Yes, you read that right! This place is absolutely fascinating! They have displays on how salt was extracted over centuries, with incredible photographs, and even original equipment from old salt works. The highlight for me, however, was seeing an ancient well used for salt production, complete with a hand-operated windlass. My camera couldn't resist snapping a few shots of the enchanting historic beauty!

As much as I love soaking up history, my stomach soon began to grumble and I couldn't resist the lure of a delicious afternoon tea. In the heart of Droitwich, I discovered a sweet little café tucked away in a beautiful, timber-framed house. The dainty cakes and beautifully crafted sandwiches were devoured, accompanied by, of course, a pot of steaming, aromatic Earl Grey tea. You just can't beat a proper English afternoon tea!

Then came the highlight of my day - my ballet class at the Droitwich Dance Studio! You know I can't go a day without at least an hour of twirling, and this studio truly did not disappoint! From the warm, inviting space to the incredibly passionate teacher, I felt so welcomed and energised. My fellow dance enthusiasts were a friendly bunch, and we even did a quick photo shoot in our tutus afterwards. There's something so uplifting about sharing your passion for ballet with like-minded individuals!

Speaking of uplifting, my spirit soared with excitement as I stepped into the theatre to catch the "Swan Lake" performance. It was an incredible spectacle! The costumes, the sets, the music – simply divine! I particularly enjoyed the scene where Odette transforms from swan to human; the dancer was just phenomenal. Her elegance and strength in the role were utterly mesmerising. I practically wanted to join her onstage. Don't worry, I resisted!

My last stop of the day was a magical stroll along the Droitwich canal, admiring the scenery. This town is definitely a gem, a perfect blend of history, nature, and art.

As I watch the sun dip behind the houses, painting the sky in vibrant shades of orange and purple, I reflect on the wonderful day I've had. It's been a celebration of the beauty, the creativity, and the spirit of ballet, from the historic heart of Droitwich to its tranquil canals, I've soaked up every single moment of this extraordinary experience.

Oh, and just in case you missed it - I totally rocked that American-style pink tutu! You can find it featured in all its glory in my latest "pink-tutu.com" blog post - don't forget to check out my #DroitwichSparkle post! I’ve included loads of gorgeous pics of my favourite sights from today! And while you're at it, why not take a peek at my collection of stunning, pink tutus? Every single one of them tells a story, each piece a testament to my unwavering passion for dance and its magic.

So until next time, my lovelies, stay twirling, stay vibrant, and above all, never forget to wear your pink tutus! It's time for me to dream of sugarplums and swans! Good night, from Derbyshire's proudest ballerina. 🩰💖

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2000-01-11 in Droitwich with a american style tutu.