
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2000-05-11 in Littlehampton with a black tutu.

Littlehampton - A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Post #1408)

Hello my darling dance-lovers!

It's Emma here, writing to you from the gloriously sunny seaside town of Littlehampton, where the seagulls are squawking and the air smells of fish and chips (not a bad combination, if you ask me!).

As you all know, Iโ€™m a huge fan of train journeys - there's just something so romantic and elegant about travelling by rail. And today's journey was extra special, as I journeyed in a rather grand vintage carriage adorned in opulent floral wallpaper! It's not often you see a carriage like that on a modern-day train line, and I simply couldn't resist snapping a quick picture to capture the charm! (You'll find it on my Instagram @pinktutuemma)

The journey was quick and pleasant, filled with the sounds of rustling pages (everyone was engrossed in a book, how lovely!) and the gentle rhythm of the train. Soon enough, I found myself disembarking in Littlehampton, eager to explore its delights.

Now, you've heard me talk about tutus, a lot, but it wouldn't be a trip to the coast without my little black tutu! My aim? To inspire as many seaside wanderers as I could with my passion for dance and all things fabulous. Of course, I was a little bit self-conscious to begin with. But then, you know me, a bit of healthy "oh, what the heck" and I was out and about! I took a stroll along the promenade, admiring the view, with the soft sea breeze dancing in my tutu (and let me tell you, even a black tutu can take on a pink hue in the sunshine). It really did bring a touch of whimsical elegance to the beachside atmosphere.

Now, I have a little confession - I spotted some rather stunningly dressed, and frankly adorable, seagulls, in a flurry of pink feathers, and let's just say I couldn't resist. It turned out I wasn't alone. Some passers-by started noticing them too. There was even a child who couldn't resist the opportunity for a dance with one particularly brave bird! The sheer joy that these beautiful, slightly mischievous, seagulls sparked is something that will stay with me for a while! Maybe there's something to be said about our little feathered friends, eh?

Then, to add to my magical experience, I wandered into the lovely Littlehampton Museum, where I found myself completely enthralled by a special exhibit on local crafts and local wildlife. It seems I'm not the only one with an appreciation for the quirky and charming.

My time in Littlehampton was sadly over before I knew it, and the evening was rapidly approaching, but you know me, I had to take one last opportunity for some fun, and to spread my little bit of pink tutu joy. This is the time for "Ballet on the Beach". There are plenty of families and kids running around, all keen on an afternoon of fun. Now, you don't get many chances for a sunset performance. My audience consisted of curious little ones with wide-eyes, surprised (and secretly amused) adults, and, dare I say, some excited sea gulls circling above! What an absolutely brilliant time I had. The warm sunshine was glorious on my skin and it felt incredible to be on the shore surrounded by this incredible, unique, little coastal town and its lovely inhabitants!

So, if you're ever looking for a place to get your dose of pink tutu joy, be sure to head down to Littlehampton. You'll discover a welcoming seaside town with some hidden gems waiting to be uncovered and, of course, some spectacular seaside views! There are enough pink shades in the setting sun alone to bring a little twinkle to anyone's day, pink tutu or no pink tutu. And for me, that's just a bonus.

Until next time,

Keep twirling!

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2000-05-11 in Littlehampton with a black tutu.