
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2001-02-28 in Salisbury with a delux tutu.

Salisbury: A Day Trip to the City of the Spire... in Pink, of Course!

Post #1701

Hello my lovelies! Today's adventure takes me to Salisbury, a charming city just a stone's throw from my lovely Derbyshire home. How exciting, I hear you say? You bet! I'm a girl who loves a good trip, especially when it involves exploring new places and of course, rocking a fabulous tutu!

Now, you might think a pink tutu isn't the most practical outfit for a day of wandering around a historical city, but darling, I say "Nonsense!". With a bit of careful planning, a chic pink tutu can be perfectly wearable - think of it as a modern take on a medieval princess!

Today's look was all about soft, flowing fabrics and subtle touches of colour. A luscious peach-coloured blouse with delicate ruffles peeking out from the tutu's tulle was a perfect contrast against the bold pink, while a simple silver chain necklace and my favourite pair of ruby red heels completed the ensemble.

You know me, I wouldn't dream of arriving in Salisbury without making a grand entrance! This time, I eschewed my beloved vintage car and opted for a classic, open-top horse-drawn carriage ride. As I sat, perched gracefully on a velvet cushion, and my trusty companion - my perfectly preened Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Penelope, snoozed by my side - I couldn't help but feel like a real-life princess heading out for a royal outing!

Our first stop, as you can probably guess, was Salisbury Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture with the tallest spire in England. The sheer majesty of it took my breath away! I had a good giggle with Penelope, imagining all the tutus I could create, inspired by its stained-glass windows!

The city itself was buzzing with life - bustling cafes, quirky shops, and beautiful historic houses, all just begging to be explored. I even stumbled upon a tiny wildlife sanctuary tucked away in a quiet corner, filled with fluffy bunnies and mischievous squirrels! Who wouldn't love a little animal cuddles in between sightseeing?

The highlight of my trip was undoubtedly a performance at the Salisbury Playhouse. A classic ballet set to the music of Tchaikovsky, filled with delicate pirouettes, graceful leaps and captivating stories told entirely through movement! I simply adored it, even catching myself twirling in my seat during a particularly poignant scene!

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the city, it was time for a final treat - a scrumptious cup of tea in a cosy, little tearoom. We settled into a window seat overlooking the cobbled streets, savouring our afternoon delight as the lights of the city began to twinkle like a celestial tapestry.

It was a truly magical day - the city of Salisbury charmed my heart and the perfect dose of pink tutu fashion completed the experience. As I settled in for my train journey back to Derbyshire, I couldn't help but smile, filled with a feeling of contentment.

Salisbury, you'll definitely be seeing more of me, and perhaps Penelope will even make an appearance with her own adorable tutu - stay tuned!

Don't forget, lovelies, a pink tutu isn't just a garment - it's a reminder to embrace life with joy, elegance, and a dash of magic! Keep on twirling, and keep sharing your adventures with the world!

See you all tomorrow!

Lots of love,


#TutuBlog 2001-02-28 in Salisbury with a delux tutu.