
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2001-06-22 in Leicester with a black tutu.

Leicester Calling: Pink Tutu Travels to the Midlands!

Post #1815


Hello darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the beautiful Midlands and, oh my, it was absolutely divine!

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "Emma, Leicester? Isn't that a bit... beige?" Well, my dears, I'm here to tell you: Think again! This city had a vibrancy and charm that truly blew me away. It was like a perfect little pocket of Englishness, complete with cobblestone streets, quaint cafes, and a healthy dose of history โ€“ it's where Richard III's skeleton was found, after all!

Speaking of finding things, I stumbled upon a gem of a boutique called The Pink Flamingo - how could I resist? Filled with exquisite pink pieces, this store felt like my own personal paradise! Imagine, darling, silk scarves the colour of rosebuds, floral dresses as delicate as a hummingbird's wings, and of course, oh my darling tutus... I indulged in a delightful blush-pink tutu, perfect for a whirl around Leicester's grand squares. I felt like a fairytale princess as I twirled down the streets, the wind catching my feathers and catching the eyes of passing strangers. I felt truly... myself!

The Beauty of the Ballet

No trip to Leicester could be complete without seeing a ballet performance, wouldn't you agree? Luckily, the Curve theatre, a stylish and modern gem, was hosting a production of Swan Lake. The moment the lights dimmed, a hush fell over the audience, and the curtain rose, revealing the stunning sets, the breathtaking artistry of the dancers, the elegant grace, the intricate storytelling - I was truly entranced!

Seeing Swan Lake on stage was a dream come true, each delicate step, each powerful leap was a burst of pure, distilled elegance. And, to add to the experience, they even had a little pink flamingo feather decorating the swan's tutus - a delightful little wink to my own little pink haven. I must confess, darling, a tear or two might have fallen, but only because the beauty was so overwhelming.

From Ballet Studio to Wild Life

After my ballet escapades, I took a break and indulged in the quieter beauty of The National Space Centre (because every girl needs a little bit of space exploration in her life, wouldn't you say?). It was quite inspiring to witness the marvel of our universe, and I couldn't help but marvel at how ballet and astronomy share a common thread: both are journeys of exploration and artistic expression.

To truly feel at one with nature, I had to make a little journey into the heart of the countryside - you see, Iโ€™m a big believer in a little dose of countryside living to balance out the bright city lights! The train journey, an essential part of the experience of course, was idyllic - past green meadows dotted with sheep, rolling hills and ancient forests that whispered ancient stories. My journey led me to Bradgate Park, where I could literally smell the spring air and the fresh greenery โ€“ a lovely contrast to Leicester's urban charm.

I spent my afternoon in Bradgate, the perfect blend of history and nature - its crumbling ruins hinting at a glorious past and the bustling life of the deer park keeping me on my toes (I had a rather alarming encounter with a particularly curious stag, bless him, though it was more comical than scary). And letโ€™s not forget the spectacular panoramic views of Leicester - talk about a stunning visual treat!

The Pink Tutu Challenge

But of course, darling, you know the mission behind all these adventures: to spread the love of the pink tutu! I handed out a handful of my pink tutus to some adorable children in the park, who shrieked with delight when I presented them with their very own pink delights! They ran about in their newly-found tutus, twirling and prancing like little ballerinas. They've definitely caught the ballet bug, and who knows, maybe someday theyโ€™ll join me on the world stage!

The Pink Tutu Challenge, my dear friends, is all about embracing your inner ballerina, spreading joy, and, above all, having a fabulous time! And what better place to do all of this than in the enchanting city of Leicester?

Until next time, darling, stay fabulous and keep twirling!

Lots of Love,



#TutuBlog 2001-06-22 in Leicester with a black tutu.