Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2001-07-27 in Slough with a purple tutu.

Slough: Tutu-ing Through the Thames Valley! 🩰🌸

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your daily dose of pink and pirouettes, back with another installment from the wonderful world of www.pink-tutu.com. Today's post is number 1850, can you believe it?! I'm so grateful to each and every one of you for joining me on this twirling journey!

This week, I'm taking a trip back to my childhood, all the way to Slough, Berkshire! It's the land of my younger years, a place filled with memories of chasing butterflies, perfecting my pirouettes in the garden, and daydreaming about being a prima ballerina on the grandest stage. Now, while Slough might not be known for its romanticism, for me, it holds a special place in my heart - a place of joyful memories and burgeoning dreams.

The journey, of course, was as lovely as the destination. As a lover of all things vintage, I opted for the quintessential British travel experience: a first-class train ride. The plush seats, the quiet carriage, and the countryside zipping by felt so delightfully timeless, like something straight out of an Austen novel! (Though I might have replaced the silk shawl with a shimmering pink tutu - can you imagine the surprised glances from fellow travellers?!)

The main attraction, though, was my ballet class at the charmingly traditional Slough Dance Academy. A throwback to the dance schools of my youth, this beautiful space hummed with energy and the sound of tiny tap shoes against the polished floor. The classes were an absolute delight - the children were full of life and laughter, the instructors were supportive and inspiring, and I even got a chance to relive my glory days with some beautiful bar work and elegant adagio. (The memory of my wobbly first plié has long faded, replaced by a newfound grace! I'm sure I looked effortlessly elegant in my classic pink tutu, haha!)

As much as I adore ballet, I'm a strong believer in mixing it up. And for my afternoon of exploration in Slough, I opted for a whimsical adventure. Picture this: the afternoon sun, the scent of wildflowers, and me, with a smile wider than a ballerina's arabesque, galloping across a beautiful open field with my faithful companion, Chester the Chestnut, my trusty Welsh Cob! (Oh, he’s a darling! And he wears the cutest little pink saddle - it was the least I could do to honour my beloved colour!) We followed meandering paths through fields of wildflowers, crossed a bubbling brook (thankfully with a solid stepping stone!), and finished our journey with a breathtaking view of the Thames Valley from the top of a gentle hill. It was like something out of a fairytale, but with the added charm of a gentle horse and a girl in a tutu!

But our trip wouldn't be complete without a little dose of urban exploration, now would it? So we, (yes, Chester and I!) headed for the heart of Slough, where the familiar aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from the local bakery, and I snagged a little trinket for Chester - a shiny pink bell to add a touch of glam to his bridle! He's my favourite fashion accessory!

The evening ended on a theatrical high note. (Is it even a true day trip without some form of dramatic performance? Haha!) I attended a stunning rendition of Swan Lake at the lovely Waterside Theatre, which filled me with all the emotions: breathtaking choreography, breathtaking artistry, and tears of pure joy, of course. (Honestly, if they weren’t using my Tutu Design range, I was slightly miffed! They wouldn’t be quite so stunning in anything else.)

Now, before I bid you adieu for today, I can't help but leave you with a little snippet of inspiration. Slough might not be on everyone's travel bucket list, but for me, it was a magical experience - a testament to the fact that beauty and joy can be found in the most unexpected places. (I can practically hear my followers shouting "Of course it was! It was your trip!"... I know I know!) And don’t forget, my lovely friends: a tutu is an excellent outfit for exploring, riding horses and taking in a performance. But also: a great reason to make life as magical and flamboyant as possible!

Stay twirling! Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2001-07-27 in Slough with a purple tutu.