Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2001-12-02 in Ramsgate with a pink tutu.

Ramsgate Romance: A Tutu-ful Day by the Sea (Post #1978)

Hello my gorgeous ballet bunnies! đŸ©°đŸ’– Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the beautiful seaside town of Ramsgate, and let me tell you, it was a total dream! As you know, my love affair with pink tutus and the magical world of ballet knows no bounds. But, I'm also a big fan of exploring new places, and Ramsgate, with its quaint charm and stunning coastal views, was just the ticket for a delightful day trip.

It all started with a blissful train journey - I do love a good train journey - the rhythmic clatter of the wheels, the passing landscapes, and of course, the chance to people-watch in my favourite pink tutu, naturally! And just as I was starting to feel the creative juices flowing (yes, a tutu can inspire all sorts of artistic thought, trust me!), I spotted a glorious flash of pink out the window. It was the perfect spot to snap a selfie – it’s what all good fashion bloggers do! - a row of pink beach huts, lined up like ballerinas waiting for their cue! I couldn't resist popping off for a quick photo shoot in front of this perfect backdrop.

As I stepped off the train in Ramsgate, a warm sea breeze brushed against my face, carrying with it the salty tang of the ocean and the cheerful shouts of seagulls. I had arrived, ready to soak up all the seaside charm and to spread a little tutu magic along the way!

First stop was the charming little town center, a haven of independent shops, quirky cafes, and bustling fishmongers. Of course, no trip to a coastal town is complete without a spot of fish and chips – it’s like ballet etiquette! The aroma of freshly fried cod was simply irresistible! And as I devoured my delicious lunch (accompanied by a generous helping of mushy peas, obviously), I noticed a fascinating bird watching group in the park. I love all wildlife, particularly birds - so I did a few ballerina stretches - I don't want to frighten them off, do I? - and observed their majestic flight patterns with such grace! It’s all about elegant movement, isn’t it? And it occurred to me that even bird watching can be an enchanting form of ballet! I can’t wait to write a blog about this - think of the possibilities, I'll definitely have a “Tweet Tutu” in next week’s post, It’s got to be done, wouldn’t you agree?

Feeling refreshed, it was time for a seaside promenade. The bracing air felt so good. I can’t wait to share these pictures of the sparkling, turquoise sea and the vast, endless horizon, it was the most perfect ballet backdrop you could ever imagine! My pink tutu swirled gracefully in the sea breeze, as I captured the moment, striking elegant poses - naturally! This had to be the perfect place for an impromptu photo shoot!

And, I can’t let a trip to the coast pass by without some classic pier-side entertainment. I took a delightful stroll along the famous Ramsgate pier, gazing out at the seabirds circling and dipping gracefully. It really is a beautiful sight. I’d be doing my dancers a disservice if I didn’t mention the wonderful Victorian-era clock tower that dominnates the pier, the whole thing just cries out for an evocative black and white photo-shoot, I mean, it is so theatrical, like something straight out of a ballet scene! I already have an image in my mind, for our “Black Swan” theme next month. Just picture it: the dramatic shadow of the pier looming large behind a beautiful dancer, perhaps me, maybe not
 Anyway, there’s no better place for creative inspiration!

And if all that wasn't enough, I got to visit the beautiful Ramsgate Royal Harbour. This charming little harbour, filled with charming sailing boats and buzzing with local activity, looked just as picturesque as you might expect! The colours were so vibrant - blue, green and red, all swirled together in a perfect ballet of light and shade - that I just had to add it to my collection of "Emma's Perfect Ballet Photos."

My time in Ramsgate whizzed by - like the twinkling light of a tutu spun by a skilled ballerina – and before I knew it, it was time for the return journey.

But that wasn’t before a lovely conversation with a group of retired dancers who have made Ramsgate their home, one of them even told me she used to dance at the famous Royal Opera House. That really made my heart sing! They gave me so much encouragement and I hope to follow their example by inspiring young dancers back home in Derbyshire, it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

My afternoon train ride home was a dream - and you wouldn’t believe what happened - a delightful elderly gentleman, wearing a very fancy purple suit, noticed my tutu and struck up a conversation, “Have you seen The Bolshoi’s version of The Nutcracker,” he said, “Oh I remember it so vividly,” I loved every minute. The whole train carriage suddenly felt like one giant tutu spinning through space. And I am definitely seeing a production of The Nutcracker very soon. My tutu will be the perfect pink Nutcracker costume! I am on the lookout for a perfect, shiny pink one, and I’ll share the perfect dress, the right colour pink and how I make it for a future post.

That’s all for today, my dear readers! If you are a passionate tutu-loving ballerina just like me, don’t forget to follow me at www.pink-tutu.com to stay up-to-date on my adventures and be sure to share your own tutu adventures in the comments below.

Until next time, keep those twirls twirling! 💕

#TutuBlog 2001-12-02 in Ramsgate with a pink tutu.