Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-01-15 in Prestwich with a pink tutu.

Prestwich Pinkness: Post #2022 🩰💖

Hey my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, here!

The train journey to Prestwich was so much fun! It's always a bit of a thrill to hop on board, feeling the gentle rocking motion and the delicious smells of a freshly baked sausage roll from the cafe carriage. I’m feeling a bit giddy - and that’s before I’ve even reached the station!

Speaking of giddy, you'll never believe the tutu I packed for this trip! It's a hot pink beauty with a cascade of ruffled tulle, and it's absolutely calling out to be twirled in the sunshine! Let me tell you, my dear readers, a bit of sunshine on your skin and a pink tutu swirling around you - there's simply nothing better! It makes me feel so carefree, and it always gives me a good giggle.

Of course, before I got all giddy and prepped for Prestwich, there was a spot of ballet class in my favourite Derbyshire studio this morning. The air was full of the lovely, earthy aroma of the wooden floor polish, a real sense of community and of course, the divine sound of 'Allegro'! Our lovely teacher, Mrs. B, had us doing lots of turns today - pirouettes, fouettés, the works! I felt like I was just about floating on air by the time the class finished. If you haven’t yet tried ballet - give it a go! The sense of empowerment, the feeling of being connected to something ancient and powerful yet graceful is such an uplifting thing.

Oh, I’m forgetting to tell you the real reason I’m here in Prestwich, besides to share my passion for pink tutus and the beautiful ballet. It’s all for the Manchester International Ballet Company’s Alice in Wonderland! The cast looks magnificent in the posters I’ve been seeing on the streets around town! Alice’s big white tutu, the Queen of Hearts’ fierce scarlet outfit! Just talking about it makes me tingle! The programme looks fabulous - Peter and the Wolf, Giselle … my goodness it's going to be an incredible evening, and I’m sure I'll be inspired for a whole new series of pink tutu outfits to try out. I'm also excited to explore the charming cobblestone streets and perhaps stop at a vintage tea shop. After all, a ballet girl always needs a little pick-me-up!

Now, you all know I love to ride a horse as well, so tomorrow, before heading to the ballet I’m hoping to catch a glimpse of some wild horses in the Cheetham Hill area of Manchester - did you know that there’s a small herd roaming there?! They make me think of a scene from The Wind in the Willows - which reminds me… there's this lovely theatre performance in Preston coming up soon - the Water Babies - what a glorious adaptation of that book and I just know it’s going to be fabulous - so be sure to keep a watch on the blog for my reviews - you wouldn’t miss that now, would you?

Back to my dear Prestwich. There are so many hidden gems here waiting to be discovered! I’ve got my eye on some charming boutiques, vintage stores, and quaint tea shops – the perfect place to pick up a new tutu, a vintage scarf, and a cup of something delicious! After all, a ballet dancer can’t just live on tutus and tea, though I must say, those are my two favourites! And to think that all of this was possible thanks to a short but delightful train journey – those comfy velvet seats with their little fold-down tables - just the perfect space to enjoy the landscape, enjoy some music on my portable CD player - which I got a little carried away and sang along to all the way here.

If you’re ever in Prestwich (or, let’s face it, anywhere, really) take the chance to explore your local area. Every little corner holds a hidden treasure – be it a breathtaking view, a beautiful park, or a quaint independent shop! That’s the spirit of Pink Tutu – embrace adventure, love life, dance and be happy!

Until next time, darlings! Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2002-01-15 in Prestwich with a pink tutu.